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Image Comments posted by friedemann_pistorius

  1. Hi Cuong,

    long time since I've posted my comment...

    I'm travelling to Italy on a regular basis (making my home in southern Germany). Absolutely amazing to me that those crazy folks use gondolas outside venice :)

    Of course, I didn't take any international touristic attractions into consideration which might include pseudo-gondolas in pseudo-Venices.

    The fact that this picture is NOT manipulated makes it even better (to me), since I'm not a great fan of digital maniupulation.



    Camilo, neither did I say anything bad about your image nor did I argue with you. But, expressing my opinion wasn't a call for advices regarding my observation capabilities without a further explanation, as you did in your first response.

    I'm familiar with autumn leaves sticking to the ground of a creek. Since some leaves in the image above look as if they were on the water surface, I was wondering how their sharp definiton along with the flowing water was obtained, and you've explained that to me in your second response. That's all. Let's leave it at that :)

    Once again, without any question you've created a very beautiful image!

    Thanks to this conversation, I've learned a bit more - that's what photo.net is all about, isn't it?

    Thank you Camilo, and keep on shooting those wonderful pictures. Best regards!



    Dear Camilo,

    I DO observe nature with proper care as well as Zoltan does obviously. Otherwise we wouldn't have detected what seemed manipulated to us (well, at least to me - can't speak for Zoltan of course). If not manipulated, I'd say the leaves stick to the ground of the creek, and their sharp appearance comes from the use of a polarizer, making them look like being on the surface. Come on, give me a hint! We're all here for learning :)


    The sharp leaves along with the soft flowing water do not reduce the overall beauty of this image at all. They make this picture even better.
  2. Vincent,thanks for the reply to my comment. With regards to the color accuracy, I'm glad you corrected me. Besides of this, your colors are beautiful!

    Where can we find your versions by the way?

    Hopefully soon here in photo.net!

    Besides of my limited scanning capabilities my 7 year old greybearded arthritic flatbed scanner delivers results I honestly don't want to share :) A new one has to wait a few more month (over the last years I've been a bit short on money while rebuilding my LF equipment...)

    I'm not shirking. Just wait and see.

  3. Vincent, to be honest: the colors look oversaturated to me. I've been there several times and it's indeed a magical place. But I've never seen a sky with this deep blue uniformity near the horizon. The dark areas also look too blue. Maybe you "overblued" this image a bit.

    Otherwise the picture is really great and comes close to my images :):):)

    I got wonderful colors with cloudy skies (no shadows) or with full sun at high noon (no shadows)...

    In the Zone


    Really beautiful picture. I like the dramatic cliffs and the soft, warm colors of both sky and sea. Very nicely done!

    I've been there a couple of years ago. The spot from where this picture can be taken lies far away, with a long and rocky beach in between. Assuming your film was 4x5", you must have cropped the original image, since you've taken it with a 110 lens. Without cropping this imgage would have required a much longer lens, something around 450 - 500mm.

    Leonardo #1


    Too much dark space at the bottom, while you cut the top of the head.

    Otherwise perfect, a portrait in the great tradition of the old masters of paint and light.





    A nice portrait and a beautiful woman too. To me a picture can't be sharp enough. I like your picture, mainly because of the natural look of the woman. She has kind of a "Mona Lisa" smiling, hiding something behind her interesting eyes.


    But the background on the left is somewhat "uneven" - red and dark and yellow portions.

    I think it would also add still more beauty to the woman's appearance if we could see more of her forehead and hair.

    Just my opinion.

  4. Wonderful light and overall compostition. The picture shows "Ponte vecchio" (old bridge) in Florence/Italy, the Arno river and a Venetian Gondola. In Italy, these boats are never used outside of Venice.

    But I must admit, you've done a great job adding this boat into the picture!

    I love it, even if it's not true :-)



  5. Ron,


    definitely one of the most beautiful landscape images I've ever seen (I've seen a lot!). I love the mystic mood, like from another world - this is a place where elves live...

    Where is it??????



  6. Jon,


    I like the foreground/background relation. I understand that the red leaves in the left upper corner make a nice voice in the concert of the fall colors, but I would move the camera more to the right. The waterfall could be a little bit closer to the center, while there's too much rocks and sand in the left third of the picture.

    Having said this, I love the scene! Looking forward to see more from you!



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