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Image Comments posted by joey_tjosephy


    I like your picture alot. Often times it is hard for me to think of a nice simple picture that is very pleasing to look at, and you have done that here.


    I love the manipulation police. You just can't sneak one by 'em. What would have been manipulated anyway? Really a cool picture. I know how hard it is to take a picture of something like a mountainscape, or bridge whatever and make it original. I don't really care much though and just try and take a picture that makes me happy even if a scene has been done a ton.
  1. Your photo is very creative. But I don't enjoy looking at it, because it is just some guys mouth and it's kind of gross. But don't take this as any sort of critisism because for what you were going for it is outstanding!

    chainlake (2)

    Nice shot. I can never seem to capture rays of light like that. On another note the heather meadows are is such a neat place for photography! I can't stop driving up there just about every week! By the way where did you take that picture of the Seattle skyline from?


    I like the photo alot. I have been driving around here in Bellingham Washington looking for shots like this. I like the original over the crop too. Gives a perspective of distance.



    I think this is great. Promising? Depends on your outlook. I would be very proud of this picture even if technically you didn't lean down at the right angle in conjunction with the seventh quadrant of the sin/cos^2 of the building. The outline of the building combined with the moon and the colors is great!
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