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Image Comments posted by alexanderhadjidakis


    Wow, you've got a great eye for composition, patterns, and color! I'm not just speaking about this photo, but all of your work in general!

    Vanesa V

    I love this image! Model shots are getting so cliche, but this is fresh not only because it uses a non-traditional style, but it also puts the focus not just on the model, but the composition and patterns as well. The straight on shot is perfect for this image. The only thing that detracts is the highlight from the flash on her legs. I don't know how you would have prevented that though. Keep it up!
  1. This is a really fantastic image!

    I saw your comment on one of my infrared shots, and even though I had browsed your photos before, I completely missed the infrared folder! Unfortunately, I don't get to do infrared as often as I like because of 1) cost and 2) I live in Alaska where we don't get much sunlight nor visable vegetation. haha I do most of my shooting when I go out of state.

    I just bought a filter to shoot digital IR because I just can't afford film anymore, but it doesn't have the same effect that film IR does. Film IR has such a timeless quality to it. What ISO do you usually set it on? I have some more shots if you're interested. I don't put them in my gallery because they're basically just more of the same, only not as good. If you have time, take a look: http://www.arekkusu.com/infrared/

    I look foward to seeing more and sharing tips with you!


    I don't know if it was your intention, but this is ironic to me. Beautiful sunset, beautiful landscape, and then you've got this ugly industrial site in the bottom. I love it!
  2. Beautiful shot. My only problem is that there's almost too much to look at. My eye gets lost because there's so much there. Maybe make the most interesting area lighter to draw the eye in? Just a thought. Great image though!
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