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Image Comments posted by frank_thomas3

    Vivid Sunset


    This is my first attempt to alter color. I'll try to get my original

    un-altered photo in here. I look forward to constructive comments on

    the shot itself as well as the color. Thanks

    The Light


    Thank you for any constructive criticism. I am concerned about the

    amount of black but it's a trade off for for the brightness of the

    light that I like.

  1. Maybe it's just the male protector instinct in me but I think there is nothing on Earth more poignant and tender than a woman bearing a child. This is a beautiful subject and you captured it nicely. While the necklace adds a touch of femininity, I agree that it might of had a purer feel without it. Still well done!
  2. I really like it and I like it big like it is. Big makes you feel like your there where the camera is which is what I try to so with any image I create. I want to make you feel like you are there. At first I didn't like the tonality. Too washed out or something. But it quickly grew on me and took on a sort of elegance and sophistication. Don't change a thing.


    This is a beautifully lighted and composed photo. The skin tone color is excellent! Unfortunately there are 'jaggies' along the forehead, upper lip and knuckles. How is this image lighted?


    What's funny is as soon as I saw it, without reading your comment I thought... perfect cropping. I like how much of the sky is there. It makes the photo feel like it's coming over my head by giving depth I think.


    I was drawn quickly to this photo because of the color and composition. A lot of things work well for me. It's very beautiful. But I like the appearance of the grapes better in the original photo. They were more defined. Also, for me, sharp focus on the grapes would have been better as well as some misting for moisture on the grapes.

    Lonely cow

    I think it captures the moment better to crop out the jet contrail.It has many nice elements that lead to a beautiful serene nature shot but the contrail is out of context and robs from those good elements. Just my opinion.

    Serene Dusk

    I like it. Good color. Nice light. I would prefer a little more of the thirds rule. Crop more of the bottom to achieve that. Just my preference.



    Though I get lots of possitive feedback from non photographers I've

    never had an image seriously critiqued by photographers. Please be

    honest. I can take it! :)

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