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Image Comments posted by momente

    Dusk in Bucharest

    The forms captured are pleasant, I'm just not sure whether the sepia toning has enough life and contrast to it, to match these shapes, as I see them. Of course, it's always a matter of taste and message.
  1. (If) this is a statement regarding global warming - it's very welcome and I can tell that it took some work to produce it. However, I wish it were a bit more dramatic, less ambiguous; perhaps another location and tilt of the globe would have made the message stronger?

    Tough Guy.

    I didn't know you were a bird-guy, too; but I did know that you love portraiture, so it does make a bit of sense. It's a good shot, well framed. Nice reflections of colours on the feathers. What is it (wish it was a raven, but doesn't exactly look like one).
  2. The first two (starting from the left) are, indeed, somewhat sombre and chilling; tenebrous. However, I don't think that the last photo (depicting the nuns) is compatible with the mood and strength of the other side. It's too serene and breaks the fluidity.


    It's a very delicate, ethereal shot. Well combined colours and clever framing; the amount of original shine is subtle and efficient enough no to need any further tampering.


    Those brown specks in the middle (why not clone them out?) slightly upset an otherwise fluent and enticing image. Quite a special combination of 2d/3d themes.

    Mandolin 915

    An interesting, almost abstract study of forms. Although you may not have achieved the goal you were after, the image is interesting and worth contemplating nonetheless.


    Good point and good image; ingenious and effective. However, I'd have welcomed a more refined, selective focusing method -- as it is, my eyes aren't sure what/where the focal point is (supposed to be) or should be.
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