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Everything posted by bart_pagor

  1. Hello all, I've just bought a used (mint) F4 and have made a disappointing discovery: When a manual focus lens is set to minimum aperture, I notice that the F4 is having trouble letting the lens diaphragm stop all the way down. When I fire a shot at say 1/2 sec. using a standard 50mm lens, the diaphragm stops to about f16 then continues to slowly close before reaching f22. Sometimes it doesn't close all the way down at all. It's almost as if the aperture blades were sticky, or there wasn't enough tension to move them. Before you all say "IT'S A FAULTY LENS YOU FOOL!" I've tried EVERY one of my Nikkors with the F4. The problem persists. I had a look at the F4's diaphragm release lever (on the left side of the lens mount inside the body): It only travels half way down when I fire the shutter, but when I press the aperture preview, it moves all the way down as expected. My old F3 has none of these problems. It's mechanism stops down all the lenses perfectly and seems to have much more tension. Has anyone come across a similar problem? Any comments much appreciated. Bart.
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