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Image Comments posted by carnelli

  1. As photographers we're often poles apart regarding our favorite subject or theme, but when

    an emotional connection is achieved, the vehicle becomes secondary. The beauty of winter

    skies in Saskatchewan is quickly vanishing once again as Spring looms around a familiar

    corner..........this is a reminder of my favorite time to travel the back-country and the

    amazing light possibilities. Thanks for viewing.....Tye.


    The whisp of Fore-Ground grasses scattered in patches is enjoyable, I completely For-Get a days hectic pace and promise of For-Tunes, well done.....cheers.....Tye.


    Clay, it does have loads of character seemingly perched on the barren prairie, the entrance reminding of the Rook piece on the chess board, as well historic castles. Nice capture from this vantage, worthy of another visit. Tye
  2. Maggie...... thank you.... your feedback is valuable, you are officially on my "Cropping Team", I just don't pay much as you see I'm a budding amateur photographer. The day was chilly here, it's wind swept and essentially desolate, then suddenly this sentinel and history appears to warm a winters day and challenge my minds eye. Cheers....Tye.



    John, your constructive comments are appreciated as they inevitably lead to further discussions. When comments appear on a critique I always make a point to view that persons portfolio if available, to gain an understanding how they perceive the world around them through THEIR photographic Eye. The majority of photos you have posted John are documentary style conveyed in a straight forward and literal manner (unmanipulated for use of a term). My cup of tea, not the least as I find most don't touch the soul or pack emotion. Knowing your preferences (you don't like watercolor paintings?) I conclude we're at opposite ends of the "photographic" spectrum. Thats fair.


    I have many artistic friends who are accomplished and successful painters whose work I admire greatly. They've had a huge influence regarding my personal work and I enjoy selling fine art prints to clients as well. Do I enhance photographs to my liking....Yes. Is this your preference....probably not. Since cameras don't record reality some form of manipulation is evident no matter what you believe. Without repeating an insightful essay on this subject from the Luminous Landscape, some food for thought.


    There is a certain percentage of the public who believes that fine art photographs must represent reality. There are people who do not know that there are differences between what they see and what the camera captures. Finally, there are individuals who do not understand that a photograph is a two dimensional representation of reality and not reality itself because reality is far more complex, three-dimensional and perceived by us through five senses and not just one.

    Some people are willing to change their minds when these things are explained to them. Others have their minds made up and do not want to be bothered by the facts.


    The people in this last category not only believe that photographs must represent reality, they also believe that to achieve this photographs must be unaltered. They believe that a photograph must be printed exactly the way it comes out of the camera. While this may be true for certain types of technical photographs or for photographs used to illustrate news reports, when it comes to art and to my work I believe the exact opposite to be true, namely that photographs must be altered in one way or another in order to have a chance to represent the reality that I perceive.

    My premise for this essay is that a fine art photograph, created by an artist with the goal of expressing himself or herself, is a representation of this artists view of reality, a representation of this artists vision, and not a representation of the world as others may see it. This can be a blessing or a crime, depending on your opinion regarding this matter.


    Eventually, this is a matter of opinion. Personally, my opinion is that a photograph cannot capture reality as we experience it physically and I can back it up with facts (I do so in my previous essays on this subject including Of Cameras and Art and The Eye and the Camera). However, I found that debating this point with people who do not agree with me isn't necessarily the smartest decision.

    ......the Luminous Landscape

  3. A fabulous church stands at a gravel road intersection in the ghost town of Retlaw in

    Southern Alberta. Its no longer found on a conventional road map. Retlaw is actually Walter

    spelled backwards.

    Many foundations and markers remain telling the history of this community during the early

    1900's. Thanks for visiting. Tye

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