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Image Comments posted by james_wallace3

  1. I think if you had lowered the camera close to the ground you would have had a more interesting perspective and avoided the horizon splitting the photo in half. Great colors though!


    I think less exposure would have brought out more detail in the sky and helped keep the tones in the sky and the windmills from merging. Maybe a lower camera position would have allowed the grasses to block the otherwise uninteresting landscape.


    The rocks could stand to be sharper to give them a more solid realistic feel that would contrast nicely with the dream-like quality of the waterfall and mist. IMHO


    The use of the wind in the foreground excellently effective in giving this photo meaning. Excellent idea and execution. 7/7
  2. Too much sky. Also, when looking at this photo I first felt that my eye was being led by the water line starting in the lower right corner, but there was nothing interesting for my eye to be led to.
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