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paul levin

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Posts posted by paul levin

  1. Jan, I'm pleased your camera is working again. Yes you did hint at replacement and I

    just wanted to share the excitement I had over my recent purchase. Considering

    people were paying $400 for these not long ago it still amazes me what they're

    selling for. The 8008s is the first AF camera I ever had. It is a fantastic camera which I

    got rid of when I purchased an F4s. There were many times I wished I kept it. My

    mistake was saying one camera was better than another in my original post and as

    happens so often around here it turns into a pissing contest. You'd think we were

    passing judgment on each others wives. I meant no offense to anyone I was just

    trying to make a helpful suggestion. Peace.

  2. Boy you guys are something else. If the N80 doesn't suit your needs for whatever

    reason obviously you shouldn't get it. OTOH if it makes sense for what you own lens-

    wise a 4 year old N80 certainly would seem a wiser purchase than a 15 year old

    8008. My point is replacement is so cheap either way, what's all the hand ringing

    about in the first place? Yes I then commited the grave error of expressing an

    opinion. Sorry. And Gerald oh wise one aka More Modern really better? Sometimes

    yes, sometimes no . I've owned both cameras in question and I'd take the N80 over

    the 8008, any day. Not over the N90s, couldn't find one of them for $90 though. Jan

    seems to like more modern too, or he would have been using the F3. (That's a joke

    Gerald) However if it makes you feel better I do admire how you posted the Modern/

    Better question with such profundity.


    Jan, I was once at Sea World in Fla. watching the Killer Whales doing their thing. It was

    so darn hot we decided to move down to the seats clearly marked "Splash Zone".

    Splash Zone is not a sufficient warning. A Whale leaps up and crashes on the water

    and my wife

    and I are instantly covered, soaked to the skin in ice cold salt water. The little point

    and shoot we had instantly started wigging out, motors running, lights flashing, We

    dropped it in the trash can as we exited the stadium. Thankfully I didn't learn the

    lesson with our F4s.

  3. Honestly at this point you're correct about not having it serviced. It would cost more

    for an evaluation than it would to replace it. I'd write it off as gone and not worry

    about further damage to the camera to retrieve the film. A used 8008s can be had for

    as low as $50 on Ebay. I was going to buy one recently when I saw how low they were

    selling for but ended up getting an N80/F80 instead for $93!! A much better and

    newer camera. Everyone's dumping their film cameras after buying DSLRs. Forget the

    old one there are great deals out there. An N80 will leave the 8008s in the dust.

    My 2 cents

  4. Roland I believe there's no problem as long as you have a receipt showing you

    actually purchased the lens overseas. If I go to Japan and I buy a lens or two then

    bring them back home with me to the states these are not "grey market" and Nikon

    USA should have no problem servicing them if needed as long as I can show I actually

    purchased them in Japan. They won't touch them though if I bought them from B&H.

    What I don't understand is if Nikon doesn't like grey market, why do they allow their

    own certified dealers to sell grey market items?

  5. Back in the early 90's I bought a brand spanking new 8008s to replace my Nikormat

    EL. I loved the 8008s. My wife hated it. She spent big bucks to buy the F4 because it

    still retained the shutter speed dials and such in all the old familar places. However it

    really is quite easy and fast to change shutter speed and aperture by simply turning

    those wheels under your finger. But I hear you, we all like what we're use to.

  6. I was considering getting an old 8008s but decided it against it since it is so ancient.

    I'd suggest you look at picking up a N80/F80. It seems there's a flood of people

    selling these on Ebay after purchasing D50 or D70s cameras. With the supply so high

    they're going for a song. I picked one up for $91.00 US in mint condition. Not bad for

    a current model selling for $350.

  7. I just purchased a Nikon D70s (last week) and want to play with it tomorrow night at the local

    fireworks display. I have made some pretty nice fireworks exposures in the past with slide film so I

    know the ins and outs of exposure. My question is what would you think the best white balance

    settings would be for the shots. Ultimately I'll be experimenting and frankly have my doubts that

    digital is the best choice for this subject. But if anyone has any actual experience and can tell me

    what worked for them I'd like to hear from you.



  8. Wildi's Hasselblad manual can be purchased from B&H photo for a lot less money

    than you'd pay at Borders or Amazon. They also can be found cheap on Ebay at times.

    Unless you need information on the new 645 H1 you do not need to get the lastest


  9. I have a YashicaMat and a Rollicord. Both give excellent sharp results. I respectfully

    disagree with the contention that the Rollicord feels like a toy. To me it feels light, as

    in less weight, which is one of your desires for this camera.

  10. Thanks Jay your post is very helpful. You are right about the B&H typo, the Bronica

    box clearly says +3 while the B&H bar code label says +0.3. The Bronica's "standard"

    diopter is a -1. Should I perform this test you sugest with the minus one is place?

  11. I've only had mine a week so I don't have much experience with it yet. But I do have a

    warning for some. I am dominant with my left eye. I've always held a camera's

    viewfinder up to my left eye (45 years of doing it!). With this camera it is almost

    impossible to see the viewfinder information this way. If I use my right eye the angle

    is such that a slight glance to the left and the information is in full view. In fact I think

    the design is exceptional for right eye use. You can avoid seeing it completely until

    you need to. It is then a simple adjustment. Being left eyed though Its a mild

    annoyance having to break a life long habit to use this camera. I don't mind using the

    right eye. But I instinctivly go for the left and each time end up going Doh!!! I have no

    problem with the vertical orientaton, doesn't seem to be an issue for me.

  12. I have an RF645 that I'd like to install a diopter in to sharpen up

    the image I see in the rangefinder. I don't use (or need)

    prescription glasses but I do need reading glasses for close up

    stuff. Right now I use a +2 variety reading glasses. When using the

    RF645 auxiliary finder for the 45 mm lens (which can adjust diopter +

    or -) I find that almost all the way plus renders the sharpest image

    when I look through it. Based on this I ordered the +0.3 diopter from

    B&H (the highest for the RF645). Well it arrived today and when

    installed all I see is a blur! Any ideas on which lens I need based

    on the above info? I also have a Contax G2 which has a dial-in

    diopter range. It also has to be turned + to render a sharp image to

    my eye. (Less critical with the auto focus G2 though!) Words of

    wisdom welcomed.

  13. Gene M. Replied

    "Why the sudden popularity of 6x4.5 ? The format seems a only marginally "medium"

    to me. The cameras aren't much smaller than 6x7 of 6x6. I don't get it."


    Very helpful. You know what I don't get Gene? I don't get why people like you have

    this need to make unsolicited comments like this which have nothing to do with the

    question asked. Hugh wasn't wondering which format to get. He wanted opinions on

    these two cameras. Harumph!


    Hugh to me the fuji is a great camera but I see it as a 4x5 point and shoot. In that

    role it's hard to beat. The Bronica seems a little more versatile as a manual focus/

    exposure camera though autoexposure is an option. I like the layout of the camera it

    seems very well thought out. Feels solid in the hand too. With the current rebate offer

    it's a bargain (IMHO). In fact, I'm buying one.



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