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Posts posted by paula_h

  1. Thanks to everyone for the help.


    I bought a packet of Microdol-X today. In regard to development times....I normally develop HP5+ with Perceptol 1:1 for 18min at 20degrees. Do you think Microdol-X would be about the same given that they are similar developers?

    Should Microdol-X be used 1:1 or 1:3 or does it matter?


    Thanks again

  2. Hi Everyone!


    I have always used HP5+ and Perceptol. I love the results and thus

    have never tried a different developer.

    I have now run out of my perceptol supply and can't get anymore.


    My question is.. I expose my HP5+ at 400ASA, love the results I get

    with perceptol,

    Any suggestions as to what other developer I could use?


    Reading other posts, people have suggested HC110. I am not familar

    with this developer and got a bit confused with the different

    diluations (B, H etc.) If someone could explain it that would be



    Thanks for your help

  3. The other night I mixed up some perceptol for the first time. I

    followed the instructions closely and made sure all the powder was

    completely dissolved. I then left it for 24hours in a plastic

    airtight container.

    When I went to use it there were tiny brown floaty bits in it. I

    gave the developer a stir and they all dissolved. I used it to

    develop a roll of HP5+ and the film seems to have turned out fine.


    Is it normal to have these brown bits in the developer? If no, does

    anyone know what would have caused them to appear? Will it affect

    the film?



  4. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

    Just with using XP2.....The print is to be a going away present so I would like to develop it myself. I should have mentioned that, sorry. Any recomenndations on a non-chromogenic film?

    The other tips are great, thanks.

  5. I have just been asked to shoot some group shots of about 10 girls.

    The location is in a park between 11am and 2pm. As I live in

    Australia it will be sunny!

    I was planning on shooting in the shade as there are large trees in

    the park.

    What I am after is some film recommendations. I am looking at using

    a ISO 400 film and developing it in Rodinal (it's all I have). I

    have only ever shot APX400 and I am not overly happy with it.

    Any suggestions about what to do with 10 girls (teenagers and early

    twenties) in a group shot would also be appreciated.

    The equipment I have is my Canon EOS3000 and a 28-85mm lens.


  6. Tonight in my photography class we are photographing a model under

    studio lighting. I am not sure of the exact lighting set up.

    It was recommended we use Neopan 400. I am also shooting a roll of

    TMax 400.


    I was just after some opinions on rating these films. Should I

    shoot them at ISO400?


  7. Last night I developed a roll of HP5+ in Rodinal 1+50. Usually when

    I tip the developer out of the tank it is a dark purplely colour.

    This time it was very light almost like it had not changed colour at


    My negs look ok maybe. I am still pretty hopeless at reading negs.


    Could there have been something wrong with the developer or the film?

    Any ideas?


  8. Thanks to you all for the help.


    I ended up rinsing the negatives again and then soaking in a fresh batch of Photo Flo. (I was pretty sure my fixer was ok as I had only developed two previous films in it)

    It worked, the white stuff was gone but I was left with a whole lot of water marks on the negatives.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks again

  9. I have just developed a roll of APX 100 in Rodinal 1+50. I used the

    same procedure and chemicals as I always do: Rodinal, Ilford Stop

    Bath, Ilford Rapid Fixer and Kodak Photo Flo. My results have always

    been fine.

    However, this time when my film had dried I noticed this white almost

    powderey residue mainly on the edges of the film. It seems to just

    wipe off.

    Any ideas as to what it is and how to get rid of it?

    Should I just wash the film again?


  10. I have just started developing negatives myself, so I get pretty



    I use Rodinal Developer. I have a roll of TriX 400 and a roll of

    HP5+ (rated at 400) to develop.

    Could someone please help me out with the development times for these


    I sorry if this question has been asked before.


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