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Posts posted by eric_m4

  1. Stock is long term endeavor. It's based on 1) content 2) keywording/captioning and 3) volume. Anyone of those three missing and it's a dud. But on top of all that it's a long term project. I'm not a stock expert but it seems to me that a lot of people want a place to throw away their leftover scraps from a previous assignment or pretty photos that have little to no commercial/editorial value and get paid for it - right away. I'm not saying stock is high paying but if you approach any job with a half-ass attitude like "I'll just throw all my reject photos that the original client that hired me to shoot doesn't even want" then it seems safe to assume you're going to get paid accordingly. Again, I don't think stock is high paying. Even the people that make more than most in stock complain about low pay. But my point is that a lot of photographers (not necessarily Rick) want to just dump anything into stock and get paid. It's like any other job - garbage in, garbage out. Give a bride all your "excess waste" shots after her wedding and see how far you'll get with that marketing scheme.
  2. "Sell it for parts and buy a compact that has decent video with the proceeds?"


    Yeah, Andrew, that's pretty much it. I just thought maybe there was an outside chance someone had gone through this with better results. Oh well... Thanks anyway guys.

  3. The curtains on my D7000 got crumpled up and its just to old and expensive to repair so I ripped out the curtains (I think they're curtains, slivers of black metal) thinking that I could use it for video only since it's useless for stills. Problem is "Live View" doesn't work and I just get the dreaded "Err" readout. The camera is pretty much a nice looking paper weight at this point but just wondering if anyone was able to overcome similar problem. Thanks.
  4. <p>How long can a DSLR shutter be left open for very long exposures such as 30, 45, 60... minutes? I remember hearing somewhere that sensors can heat up after a certain amount of time. With film I've gone well over an hour but there's no sensor heating up, cooling off, etc... On my D7000 I've gone about 15-20 minutes max with no problems. Is this even an issue? Was it <em>ever</em> an issue? I know you can stack photos/HDR for similar effects but there are times when I would like to shoot one <em>very long</em> exposure. Thanks.</p>
  5. <p>Hi Owen, I didn't read up on any issues with the D810, the focusing issues I read about were with the older D800/E models. A new D810 is almost double cost of a used D800/E, a bit out of my budget right now.</p>
  6. <p>Hi Guys, Interesting replies. <br /> Paul, with modern plastics today the D750 is probably strong enough but there's something about the "pro" feel of the 800 cameras that just makes everything right in the world. Like driving a clunker and a ferrari - they both get you from point A to point B but one just feels better even if it's parked. A psychological hangup of mine... I have quality glass ranging from 14mm to 200mm and try to shoot on tripod as much as possible. It actually bugs me to take it off the tripod.<br /> Wouter, the type of photography I do is mainly events, headshots, some photojournalism, etc... but on my own time I like to hike and shoot nature, mostly landscapes. I'd like to eventually start selling landscape prints. <br /> Kent, when you say "D600 has a lifetime warranty on the shutter" does that apply to all Nikons or just the D600?<br /> Thanks everyone.<br /> I forgot that I originally wanted to know if there was a difference between the two 24MP cameras, D610 & D750 as far as image quality. And also if there was anyway of knowing before purchase of a used D800/E if a it had any focusing issues.</p>
  7. <p>My D7000 died after about 185,000 shots and I would like to replace it with a full frame camera. I keep bouncing around the following three: D610, D750, D800E. I've read some older posts here on Photo.net about the D800 series having focusing issues. I was wondering if there was anyway to know if you were getting a D800E with any issues <em>before</em> purchase, such as being able to check certain serial #'s. I know there was a lot of talk about moiré but it seems like most people didn't think that was a big deal. I know there's always issues with all cameras but the D800E would be out of warranty, whereas the 610/750 I would buy new and under warranty. I recently viewed two photos shot on 750 and 800. They both looked great but I didn't view them side by side and it was a couple of days apart. I think the 800 shot was a little better but maybe that was the marketing hype working me over. <br />Anyway, as far as the D610 & D750 are concerned, If they both have the same/similar sensor isn't the image quality the same? I know D750 has better focusing ability, higher ISO, tilt screen, etc... but the final image quality is my main concern. BTW, I'm leaning more towards the D610/D750 but I am curious about the D800E since they're fairly cheap right now and I do like it's more robust feel. </p>
  8. <p>I'm looking for sharpest wide angle for around $600 -700. I've kind of narrowed it down to Nikon's 20-35mm f/2.8D (used), Tokina's 17-35mm f/4 and Tokina's 16-28mm f/2.8. It would be for my own personal projects, landscapes mainly. Whether it's f2.8 or f/4 really doesn't matter. Does anyone have any experience with these lenses? Which is sharpest? Thanks.</p>
  9. <p>I guess the reason I was concerned about the build quality was because the main selling feature of the Df was nostalgia and part of that old film camera nostalgia was having a more solid, heavier feel than today's modern plastic bodies. I wouldn't use it as a battering ram but I'm sure its built good enough for most uses, even pro use assuming you're not a war correspondent. </p>
  10. <p>I see the Nikon Df on their site listed in the "enthusiasts" or "prosumer" category but the old retro look makes it <em>appear</em> like it has a tougher build quality. I haven't tried the D500 but all the other cameras in that category have great features but they all have that toy-ish feel to them. Does the Df have the same feel or is it as tough as it looks? Thanks.</p>
  11. <p>It seems most people think there's not much of a difference at sizes smaller than large prints. So then why buy a D810? I'm not saying you shouldn't buy one I'm just curious as to what everyone finds so appealing about all those megs (36MP). I'm counting on everyone here at Photo.net because I don't have a full frame camera and would like to get the best quality image possible within $2K - $3K. I've seen images from D810 and they look great but I can only compare it to my old crop sensor camera. The megapixel race does seem to be just a bit overrated but I've also heard/read the photos are (a lot?) sharper due to the lack of an "AA Filter" (whatever that is) on the sensor? I have good lenses and I like crisp sharp images but I'd rather not spend money on marketing hype and get more quality glass instead. It's always fun to buy new cameras but I get a lot more excited about new quality lenses than cameras. Over time cameras seem more disposable, lenses stand on their own long after you buy them. </p>
  12. <p>The D810 (36MP) captures more detail than a D750 (24MP), but if you shot same subject with same lens, exposure, etc... and printed both images from 36MP and 24MP cameras at 8x10 or smaller, would you notice a significant difference? I know image from D810 will hold up better as you enlarge it but if you know you won't be printing poster size is there really a difference at smaller size images? The D810 users might say "definitely" and D750 users might say "not much" but I was hoping to hear from people who have actually compared the two side by side. Thanks.</p>
  13. <p>I've had a Bogen tripod model #3221 with a manfrotto/bogen #3265 head for at least 20 years and am looking for a new carbon fiber setup. I plan on keeping the same head but time for new legs. Just wondering what's popular with everyone here on photo.net forum. Thanks.</p>
  14. <p>Can D750 users tell me what SD cards are being used out there? Maybe I'm missing something but it seems a bit overwhelming - some cards write faster, or read faster, or... Which card do you guys think is fastest or most efficient? Thanks.</p>
  15. <p>A while ago I kept hearing the D750, the 300mm f/4 lens, the 200-500mm f/5.6 were getting hit with all kinds of recalls. The D750 seems like a good camera (assuming recalls are taken care of) but I haven't kept up with all the tech issues Nikon was having so my question is: Has the D750 had all its problems resolved? Is it safe to plunk down $2000 on this camera or should I play it safe and stick with my iPhone? Thanks.</p>
  16. <p>I appreciate all the advice but I'm very much aware of all the pros/cons of teles. Sometimes getting an inferior shot is better than no shot at all. So lets take it from the top, boys & girls: </p>

    <p>Does anyone know if the Sigma 150-600mm (Contemporary or Sport version) is compatible with Nikon's 1.4TC? Or do you have to buy Sigma's teleconverter? Thanks.</p>

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