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Image Comments posted by jyves


    It catch my eyes. I like the lighting on her face and the composition, but around her the feeling of the pixels in the red disturb me. Yves


    This portrait is interesting with the expression of the woman and the tone of this sepia. I don't like the back ground and I feel the blur at the edge of the face too important. The effect is that the face is glue on some board and disaventage the photo.


    Yes, you got it! Well done, a lot of expression and gives me our feeling about the states from the other side of the border (north), some love&hate affair, the states cover us by their superiority even we don't like that, but we use them for money and copy their style life, and we enjoy to go south in vacation and come back in Canada when we are sick. Congratulation.

    naked portrait

    Well done, the lighting impress me. In a high contrast situation, it gives you all the grey tones. Maybe with a reflector on the wright... Some thing to try. The model is sharp, a bit shy and very sensuous.


    2 great photos of Lilly, in color and in BW. You do great, the mood is so smooth in an old fashion view, with a special angle. Bravo


    Very aesthetic and use of different technical, but I don't understand the title. I feel some sort of power in that photo as the Prince of earth, or I am dreaming too much.


    Thank's for all comments. Les, thank you for your try, but now it seems to far away from the thru color, on my computer the skin looks orange. The ajustement seems too strong, I don't think it is necessary to push on the color to make a good photo. Here it is a question of taste!
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