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roberto p

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Image Comments posted by roberto p

    Blooming plateau

    Splendida Fabio! Anche completamente astratta, senza le casine sullo sfondo non sarebbe stata da meno, ma preferisco tutto sommato questa composizione. Complimenti!



    Ciao Maria, benritrovata:-)

    Vedo che ogni tanto rifai capolino con scatti meravigliosi...come questo che trovo assolutamente splendido per la composizione, ma soprattutto per la luce che hai saputo catturare. Complimenti!



    I commented this version of yours at the time you posted it. I guess we took a shot together, since I remember a couple from abroad parking their car and shooting next to me that day:-)

    My last version is of about one years later. Your version is always stunning to look at !!! Compliments again. Roberto

  1. Ashley,

    the exposure time was some seconds (let's say of the order of 5 seconds). The black piece of paper was used to cover the sky for about 2-3 seconds.

    The location of the shot is the Tuscany coast near Livorno. Thanks for the comment:-)

  2. Thanks Dominick,

    actually I used a black piece of paper to cover the sky for about half the exposure time. I also slightly moved the "mask" up and down to avoid undesired abrupt changes in exposure.

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