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Image Comments posted by gene_brewer1



    I love photos of reflections so this one really jumped out at me. Your use of surroundings to achieve the near perfect reflection is amazing. It almost appears as if the image was created in situ as a puzzle instead of a reflection. Excellent lighting maintains the colors and contrast.


    What is the reflective material? I assume it is mirrored tiles of some sort attached to a building wall? Myself never having been to NY (someday maybe?), can you tell us what the 'castle' building is?





    In my opinion, I would like to have seen the image without the foilage with the window offset to the right third of the image with the white wall in the remaining area. With the window/wall only image, it would be enough detail to define it as a window but not enough detail to allow the viewer to know the source as to what is it, how is it in relation to the rest of the unseen structure. Basically it would cause a lot of imagination to be used.




    Ridgecrest, CA


    The overall composition is just fine IMHO. The highlights in the sunset could be tweaked in Photoshop to reduce the intensity if you so desired to do that. But all in all, it is a very good image given your information in the post of no expeience and using a low end camera. Looks like you have a good eye. Keep up the good work and possibly you'll decide to get better equipment to allow you to improve your body of work. Remember it isn't so much what other people think of the quality of your work as what you think of it. If you want it better, work on it. Others will tell you how they would like to see it. Your the photographer here in this instance.



    Nice color contrast.


    Personally, I think I might have shot the image from a bit more from the left and used a larger f stop for more DOF to bring everything into focus while cropping the extra green in the background slightly to keep the green content appx equal to the red and yellow.


    But all in all a nice pleasing fall shot. Tell the truth, natural leaf placement or a little 'divine wind' :)



    Autumn landscape

    Great composition. Give feeling of being at the heights above the valley and with the mist lingering in the background, adds a feeling of chill in the air as one would expect in the autumn. Very nice photograph.
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