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Posts posted by neil_oconnor1664877038

  1. I have had my M6 TTL for a few weeks (first Leica) and just now noticed the small hole under the advance

    lever on the top plate. As I had not noticed it before, I am a bit paranoid. I do not have a user's manual

    (only for M6 classic, in which the hole is not depicted in the photos). Is it supposed to be there? If so,

    what is it's purpose? And, won't it eventually fill with debris? Thanks.

  2. I was just flipping through a Sante D'Orazio book. By any chance does

    anyone know what film speed/type he uses? Looks like a fast 35mm - pretty

    grainy. Nice. Anyone else prefer fast/soft portraits? Seems like most like the

    sharp 100-400 ISO range ('course in many of his low light shots may be little

    choice but to use 1600-3200 ISO). Thanks!

  3. Well, it looks like it was the diopter after all. I remember that it occurred after I

    changed a lense. I probably pushed it at that momernt. I feel a but silly but at

    least I did not send it to a Nikon dealer!! Thanks, guys.

  4. Out of the blue, my N-80 finder went blurry - even the exposure info at bottom

    of screen. Also, I can see a bit of light coming from bottom of screen/view.

    Probably a simple adjustment (mirror?) but I would like to have an idea before

    I send it off for repair.


    Also, because I live in Mexico City I may have to mail it off for repair. Any

    suggestions to where I send it? Thanks.

  5. I live in Mexico City but have access to the U.S. mail via a PO Box in Texas. I

    cannot find a good lab here and so I am looking for a good lab in the U.S to

    mail my 120 C-41 (xp-2 super). Texas would be ideal. Also, I need better-

    than-mini-lab quality but NOT custom. I just need development, proof prints

    and, importantly, photo CDs. All without putting me in the poor house.

    Possible? Thanks in advance.

  6. It's not about wanting the latest toy for me. I would like a D100 but would

    prefer to (potentially) save $500 (more or less). I am not a pro and I am not in

    a hurry. Plus, other threads have RUMORED that Nikon applied for a

    trademark on a camera which will be called D70. I think it's likely that they will

    seek to compete with the Digital Rebel. I hope so anyway. Other comments

    have merit, however, when they say that it may not be worth waiting if you can

    make $$ on your pix today.

  7. I have read several guesses - repeat guesses - that Nikon would put out something like an D70 (roughly) based on its N75 body just as the D100 has similarities to the N80. This would presumably compete with the Canon Digital Rebel. Smarter folks than I believe that it would probably be a tad more expensive than the Digital Rebel, again just as the D100 is a bit more expensive than the Canon 10D. FYI, I am waiting to se if this happens in the spring. But I will not wait much longer b/c, as others have said, it's not worth the missed photo ops.
  8. First to defend you excellent choice in cameras. I have an N80 and love it. Once you get used to manipulating the dials you will do it without taking your eyes off the viewfinder (in manual exposure mode). Some say it is a bit "plasticky" but it is solid and light - two of its strengths. It is not considered a "professional" camera but you are not a pro (nor am I). It IS the best non-pro AF Nikon (IMO). The pro Nikon AFs would offer the non-pro very little added value, certainly not for the added price. When it comes down to it, a camera is a light-tight box. In that sense, they are ALL the same. The shutter and apertures work the same on all well-built cameras and the film, therefore, is exposed the same at f/8 1/250, for example, on an N80, a cheap point and shoot or a Hasselblad. That part of film photography will not change.


    Now...your choice of lens WILL matter.... I like the mid-priced AF primes (24, 50, 85) but you can get a lot of bang for your buck with zooms.

  9. Although I still plan to continue taking B&W film with my N80, I plan to pony up

    for a D100 as well (down the road). Meanwhile, I want to pick up a couple of

    Nikors to replace my zooms. Here's the question - keeping in mind the

    smaller size of the D100's sensor and the resulting change in focal length,

    what would your lens list be? I want a good portrait lens and considered an

    85mm (which, after calculating the magnification difference of 1.5x would

    effectively be a 127.5mm lens on the digital. Still a good portrait length?

    What about wide and normal lenses? Also, is this a moot question if Nikon

    comes out with a larger sensor (like the Contax 24x36mm sensor) - is this

    possible? Thanks.

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