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brian hanson

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Image Comments posted by brian hanson


    Good overall, I would suggest cropping off the left side, but then the frog would be too centered. Did you try this shot with a vertical? I think it would work better.


    Fantastic! Great Job. After seeing this photo I checked out your portfolio. Very Nice. I like all of your B&W photos. Keep up the good work.


    IMHO, the front of the picture is too fuzzy. I belive that if you do not have or want enough DOF that the foreground should be sharp and the background shoud be the fuzzy part. It just seems more natural in my point of view
  1. The bride's face and the Groom's clothes have no detail or texture, and the groom has a case of racoon eyes. I would print the entire picture a litte lighter and doge the faces. I Like the expresions. I think it is typical of how men and women feel about marriage, the woman seems thrilled and the man seems a little unsure. I know the feeling! If you like B&W maybe you would like some of mine. I suffer from many of the same shortcomings, however.


    I love the lines and texture, but the bottom left is too blurry for my taste. IMHO, if there is not enough DOF for a shot, I belive that it should be crisp in the foreground and blurry in the background.
  2. I like this picture, but he probably stands out too much. IMHO he should not be dead center. Maybe it would help to crop off the left side. This way you could get rid of the half of a bike as well.
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