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Image Comments posted by dominic_.



    I agree with the increse in contrast previously noted. I really like the way the stairs lead down towards the umbrella which in my opinion is the centre of interest here. I also like the side lighting creating the shadows in this picture. Good work.



  1. I believe this is a beautiful photograph and your use of colour is excellent. I can relate to your experiance as a starting artist as I am myself under 18. My sugestion is to stick with your photography and keep experimenting with new ideas and approaches. Also try looking through various photographic publications and magazines and see what knowledge you may pick up there (PhotoLie is an excellent Canadian Photo magazine. Good work and keep experimenting.




    Very symmetrical photograph, however the clouds nicely disrupt this symmetry and prevent this image from becoming boring. Nice colour saturation and otherwise good composition. Good work.
  2. I saw a series of photographs that comprised the feature article of PhotoLife September 2003 by Richard Martin and wondered where he took them. Now that I see your picture I can reconize the metal curves as being the ones he photographed, although none of his were this colourful, good job!


    This image is perfect, I can not find anything to complain about. I can also respond emotionally to this photograph, sensing the loneliness of the child. This photograph, like so many of yours is very sucessful in provoking my emotions. Good job, I greatly admire your work.
  3. I love the use of colour, texture and composition in this photograph is perfect. The oblique line formed by the rope adds a good distraction from the otherwise rigid formality formed by the other line in the picture. Good job!

    Cathedral Trail

    Beautiful infra-red effect, it adds a sureal touch to this already beautiful image. I have never tried the Ilford brand of IR film, how does it compare to Kodak's HIE?

    Leaf in rain

    Beautiful everything, so nice to see a close-up that is so different from all the unimaginative floral shots out there today. I believe we need more photographers like you who can look at a seemingly boring subject and turn it into something extravagent. Good job, I admire your work greatly.
  4. Black and White works very well for this subject, however I believe maybe a different perspective would help make this a little more interesting, perhaps getting down low and close up to the boat with a wide angle lens while aiming towards the building would be a good bet, I don't know but you definatly did one thing right, this picture works very well in B&W.
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