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Image Comments posted by daniel_wyeth1

  1. A warts and all portrait that the sitter will never forgive you for taking!Her right eye is arresting and expressive but the strand of hair over the left eye is a distraction.Tells us more about the sitter than many more 'glamorous ones would.
  2. This image strikes me as being a bit monochromatic and lacking in life.Why did you change the colouring here? - it's no improvement.There's no vitality either in the colour palette at all.There's no element of the picture which stands out to hold our attention.
  3. Was your friend cut and pasted on to the landscape? There's a disparity in the lighting that makes me think so. The landscape is very brooding and atmospheric but the figure almost seems an intrusion as it doesn't look natural.

    The Lady

    Is the light falling on her left hand and leg too dim compared to the right side? This has a professional feel. I imagine that once you've mastered this kind of setting and lighting,you could churn out pics like these by the dozen. This certainly has that look for me. A glamorous image but hardly a probing portrit.
  4. The lighting here is vey unflattering - especially on the bottom and the shoulders. A black corset is no sre-fire recipe for a sexy photo - it needs imagination on the part of the photographer as well
  5. In the Art Class these lads were regular figure models.We became

    friends and I challenged them to participate in a cheeky riposte to

    the famous Canova 'Three Graces' at the Victoria and Albert Museum in

    London.I tried to make them looks as sculptural as possible. Not to

    be taken seriously.What do you think?

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