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john meehan

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Posts posted by john meehan

  1. After 25 years experience with film SLRs, I recently succumbed to

    the pull of the pixel in the form of a 10D and 16-35 f2.8 L and 70-

    200 f4 L (my conscience (wife) entered the shop as the salesman

    asked "F2.8 IS or f4").


    My experience with the VERY conservative in-camera sharpening of the

    10D has led me to wonder if the L lenses were worth the cash and

    whether some of the better EF 'consumer' lenses with some extra

    sharpening in PS might not have yielded equally impressive results

    before the intrusion of artifacts.


    The saving grace is that the lenses are a joy to use and deliver

    lovely results on film (especially the 70-200).



  2. Can anyone advise on the weather proofing of the Maxxum 9. I am

    reluctant to risk my 7s in adverse conditions but don't want to miss

    the images these conditions offer (rain, seaside, etc.).


    I have too much sunk into my Minolta system (and am too happy with

    it) to seriously consider switching just for a more robust body.


    As I look out the window here in Liverpool, UK, I can't help but

    marvel at those lovely relections in the puddles I can see forming

    as it pours down.


    Thanks in anticipation.....

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