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Image Comments posted by mike_hodson



    I like it. It really captures a single moment of a busy scene. The light cones make for nice lines throughout the image. I'd like to see the guitarist a little more clearly though. Whether it's the film grain or the scanner...it is a little noisy/grainy.

    Great shot.

    On Track


    Interesting photo. The tilted horizon gives this shot something extra...what that is, I don't know. I do like the frame that the bridge makes for the background. Too bad that it was so overcast.

    The railway track coming right into the camera makes for nice flow into the picture but because it's out of focus, I find it distracting. By the time it is in focus, it is too far from the camera to show any detail. My suggestions for trying this shot again would be to stop down quite a bit to get much more DOF. Maybe move the camera up just enough to get the track in focus as it enters the bottom of the frame.



    Nice shot, I've always wanted to go up to the top the space needle but have not had the chance yet. This photo does show the viewer the wonderful cityscape that you are trying to show them. For improvement I would also say that the horizon should be moved up so that it's not in the middle and to show more city and less blank sky. It would be nice if the bottom had some "grounding" feature to give the effect that a foreground object would give in a typical landscape shot. The buildings that are cut off seem weird in this shot.

    Great shot.


    I think that the fence is too close and a little distracting. It does give depth though. The line in the sky looks like a processing mark or something (maybe crop it out). The trees seem under exposed but the building is perfect, I'd like to see more of the building because it is more interesting than the rest of the picture.
  1. Great idea, a real example of "making" rather than "taking" a photo. The colors work well with the background. I also think it feels a little too tightly cropped because the patterns are interesting rather than distracting. I keep trying to see detail in the leaf at the top, maybe lighting from the right side would show the leaf better without hurting the fruit.

    Great shot.



    I agree with most of what has been said. The lines make for interesting geometry but it's not very sharp and there are too many distractions. Good idea though, very original.
  2. The composition of this shot is great. As the others have said, the lines really lead the eye around the picture. The sky, however is washed out and seems to hurt the visible upper structure of the bridge. Brighter colors would be nice too. There is a wide light range which makes it hard/impossible to have the best exposure for all the elements. Definitely interesting though.
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