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Posts posted by kilgore_trout1

  1. It seems that the mirror on my R3 is not lifting to expose the film.

    What could be causing this? is it fixable?

    how easy is this to fix? is it worth upgrading to an R4 or r5? I

    paid $180 for the body... have put fresh batteries in it....

    doesn't lift mirror at all and is shooting blank rolls...; am p.o.'ed

    because the roll in which i discovered this was a roll of photos of

    Iman fortunately had a backup

  2. mine's a trophy / tool --- I use it all the time, but it's the status symbol equivilent of having bought my first mercedes --

    that was a bargain as well - paid $500 for a 1976 mercedes 240 d in seatle and drove it for several years --


    I paid $180 for my r3 when I found out my wife was pregnant -- have gotten 2 lenses since (finances tough being married and having a young baby...)


    I use my leica for 99% of my work -- so, with that said, you don't buy a mercedes to garage and keep locked up, you buy it to drive because it's comfortable, luxurious, and a status symbol telling the world you have arrived.

    I still don't understand these guys that buy a leica, never even open the box, and sell it 20 years later... it's a camera... shoot pictures, use it...

  3. thanks -- she loves the classical music as well --- the doctors already suspect a great deal of musical talent - she sings, she's on key, she has excellent rhythym, she dances to all the old soul, beatles, van morrison, celtic music, etc... she's most fond of classic rock and soul... will have more shots after we move into the house next month.
  4. to the naysayers, my wife wanted to go natural and laboured for 30 hrs... then we had a c-section --- we discussed the idea of a camera long before the moment arrived. I agreed that there would be no clinical shots (ones you wouldn't show mom) and the doctors do have final say -- we got some priceless photos --- even with an emergency situation -- the doctors let me handle a large, unweildy camera in the O.R. - we feel for us, the pictures are perfect and tasteful -- it all boils down to the fact that 1) you are not in charge - if the doctor tells you to get that thing outta there -- you have to obey - you are in his studio. (courtesy / safety) and 2)don't be intrusive



    congrats on the little one...


    Emma is now 19 months old... last night she picked up my camera, told me she loves me and then looked at my camera and said "love you, camera!"


    you've got a lot of fun ahead

  5. I carried my pentacon 6 - medium format -- When Emma was born, she was not breathing and had to be recusitated, spent a week in icu -- we got some great pics of everything -- don't forget to take pics of the doctors, nurses, and some of the others that may pass briefly thru -- the nurses love every baby that comes through -- and thank the nurses profusely -- my wife loves the pictures to this day --
  6. I took it to a respected photo dealer here in town -- the light meter was inoperable -- also was a 500 mm sigma lens with lots of fog -- traded both for a working yashica minister-d did i do ok?


    (I am happy as I didn't have the ability to use either -- got something fun to play with in exchange...) any thoughts

  7. I just bought a knockaround rangefinder - been using my leica r3 -

    never shot on a rangefinder - I am hoping to eventually upgrade to

    a leica with the rangefinder... Anyone have any general tips or

    advice as to how shooting with a rangefinder will be diferent than

    the leica r3 ---


    the camera i got is an old yashica minister-d



  8. Was going through some old photo equipment this weekend and found a

    Nikon "F" Finder - serial # 963769 - excelent condition - would

    anyone have more info about this piece -- it has a chrome front, a

    meter at the back and I'm not sure of year or value -- would be

    willing to work a FAIR trade though if someone needs this --- I

    shoot a leica r3 and am always looking for leica accessories and


  9. Hoooooray!


    I was talking to a coffee shop here and showed the owner a few

    pictures I had shot with my R3 and I now have a showing of my photo

    works in July!!!!! I've not had a gallery showing in quite a while -

    -- had set down my old nikon gear when times were tough and had

    decided if I ever got back into photography, it would be all Leica!


    Persistance paid off -- got my skills honed again -- this show will

    benefit a literacy charity here in memphis...


    it feels good to be shooting this much again... my work feels more

    real and genuine now that I'm older and a fresh perspective...


    so, in pursuit of other small gallery and coffee shop exhibitions,

    anyone else know some good venues that are receptive to small

    photography shows (don't have enough work yet to do a major show)?

    Not bragging, just exstatic...

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