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Image Comments posted by lorenzo_diaz


    Jesus, thank you for your comment, the proble was that this critter was lying next to the wall, and originially all the left hand side was pitch black, there was a shadow coming over half his body, I also could not get to the animals level as I would of gotten into the cage with him and his cousin, and of course my intentions were not to get bitten...I am shooting from a second level and I had to lean over to shoot him...but next time I will throw him a rock and see if he moves as he was in a zoo. :)


    7/7...tone of lighting wether PS or not, excellent, nice composition, I think actually that the glass sphere its a part of the room, giving it life, otherwise would of just benn "space"....


    Computer work or not!!...its a " creation". Creations take "artistry",,you see you mold , you shape.There are many photos, paintings and such in the arts that may be pleasing to one and not to other, its a very individualistic thing.
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