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Image Comments posted by gphoto


    I haven't seen this done before so it's original to me. I'm not sure what but there's something that could be tweaked slightly to make this great, perhaps straighten the subject up or have a hand holding the feather? Not sure but it feels like something is lacking. Very good idea though!

    The Life

    Hey! Where's the comments and ratings? There's hot lovin', an alcholic bum and some really boring businessmen in that picture. It is just begging for some critique.



    I'm depressed, trying to figure out what to do with myself. Would like

    to get into humanitarian photography but just can't find it in myself

    to make the effort required. Suggestions welcome.


    I really like the concept but think a little bit of light on the right side would help, just to create a little definition on the other side of the body.

    Spring Heels

    just because it doesn't have a pair of breasts in it doesn't mean you can't critique the fucking picture. I'm almost convinced that this site is primarily used by individuals who get off on seeing photographs of scantily clad women and only partially used by photographers looking to receive critiques on their work.

    5pm Walk Home


    This is one image that I've taken that I actually like. Rate it what

    you will but I really like it. It's a couple of workers walking off

    the job after a days work in the concrete jungle. If you do rate below

    a four please leave a comment and tell me why.

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