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Image Comments posted by drobles




    I hope you will take this as the compliment it is intended to be--whenever I see your photos I think of the music of Dido and vice versa. You both have the same ethereal mood and similar tones and themes (lost love, loneliness, hope etc.) This is especially the case in your "Moody" folder. I enjoy your work and just wanted to share those thoughts with you. An artistic collaboration of some sort between the two of you would be interesting.


    I don't mind his head being cropped, but I think it would add more interest if he wasn't dead-on center. Some of your other images (The kiss and Hey Baby!) are examples of this. I agree that it is contrasty.

    Family portrait

    I saw this idea about 5 years ago, just after my first was born. I believe it was from a company called Stork Avenue. I kept one of their brochures around thinking I might borrow the idea when I had my second child (but that was 2 years ago and I went with a different idea on her announcement, plus the last thing I wanted to think about with a newborn was getting myself a pedicure-ha!) I also recall seeing a very similar photo on a greeting card in CVS or Walgreens. The photo was same set up but a high key b&w with white sheets. Either way it is a cute photo and a good idea. Congrats on your ratings and comments, that alone is a feat-no pun intended. I'll keep my eyes open for the "toothless photos."

    Family portrait

    cute photo, good job setting it up. I have seen this before from a baby announcement company (similar photo, same quote, same idea) and I wondered how it could best be set up.


    I like the darkness. I think the tones are well balanced with the sheen on his arms. The darkness of his face lends to the anonymity (sp?) of his pose. I would also be curious to see it on the horizontal.

    In the ratan

    What do I feel when I see this photo, you ask? I feel a little dizzy. To be floating in a field of giant flowers seems a bit odd to me. I am curious what your thought process was. Flowers aside, I like the way her body profile is mirrored by the chair shape. Her arm seems a bit tight and unnatural and I would like to have seen her face a bit lower and facing forward more.

    Wedding Faces

    nice to see a fun wedding photo, we all know these moments happen a lot. I like the tones but also feel the highlights are a bit overexpsed, esp. the little guys left ear...
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