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Image Comments posted by victor_bentzvi

  1. im not really sure about the color, im not really sure about what seems to be a schematic composition and placement. but im sure that this photo is really really good. i like it very much.

    in other words.. u present here a very dynamic situation, but it seems trhat u r not involved in it as a viewer. u know, something of bressons style.

    fall tears


    i like this pic very much. do u print your negatives yourself?

    about the title of the pic... i would not give a title at all.

    how often u see people grounded and tearing... if not too much than this pic should be some symbol. if it is than the symbolims u make here is very poor.

    without a title the viewer rises questions in his mind about the essense of what he sees and tryes to figure out the intention of the creator. a good viewer's answers in this case will be much more powerful than the title.

    a really good image over all.

    Wedding photo

    this is a great image. the expressoions are great, both express the unwillingness. its not exactly beeing unhappy, but its a kind of personalities. u deliver it very well here, and i do know how difficult it is to make perfect photo when u yourself in the frame.


    my comment is an artistic one, im not talking here about the aesthetics of the pic (in that this is very ordinary pic). in artistic terms (fine arts) i like here two aspects... one is the tention between very voulgare and demonstrative pose of the model and the fact that she hides her face (i mean u hide it with the shadow). and the way u hide it is the other artistic aspect, which is using in the simpliest manner the essense of photography - the light. so, very good pic in case that u do agree with my interpretation and do not consider this pic as another nude pic among thousends of millions.


    i love this pic very much. i think its your best here. i like the way u manage here the whole scene. some ppl can say that it can be few different pics, but then the chalange that u succeded in capturing so much place(in intresting way of course) would not been seen, and the image would become a very avarage(things that camera can do itself) street photo.
  2. last time i didnt had a time to look at your pics seriously, but now i fouynd this great image. how do u print your pics? as far as i can judge it on monitor, it needs some imporevment, not because it is bad but cause such an image ought to be perfect.


    now the tmax looks better to me. its a nice work. i suppose shes religious. u have a good subject here. try to be more provocative with it. u know when u photo grapg ppl u haqve to know how to talk with them. if u tallk with her that shes too shy the instict reaction would be that shyness rises and the ability and bravety to be photographed also rises. then u may have some very interesting pics that dealing with human behaviour.


    i do like the frame. i think that it talks in the same language as it appears there - in reality of such meetings. i have one problem with a evident tilt of the image - the horizontal line is not coreect and falls down on the left. the other problem of mine is a use of tmax. i really dont like this film. there r not many photographers that know who to make of it a better image (better n my opinion). otherwise its very nice image.
  3. a very good image. i think it needs some reprint (not to change the image but to make final tunes in tonality). cant tell u exactly what since i dont know the negative. the mood here is great, it reminds me moscow in the witer, i miss it so much (here in israel snow is regarded by logic rules). i also think that for perfection a bit lower untilted perspective would be very good. i give five not because i dont like it (i like it very very much) but because i think that u can do much better.
  4. great image. its a very good example of high standarts for artistic creativity. u know, there r ppl with endless talks to explain one simple thing. there r others (not many) that can be called strikers. thats what it is, at least as i understand this image. this is one person (u in this case which adds even more power) that from defferent points (one the frontal and other in the moror) of view reflects two almost contrary essense. compositionally u have made here even farther powerfulll statement by cutting the upper part of the face in front and on the contra, by cutting the lower part of the face, while in total u actually bring here a complete face (but superated as we can be so many times).

    the knowledge of such a statement for me at least is very familiar (as one who develops a theory of mental behaviour), so u dont realy opent my eyes for something new. but the way u say it is full of creativity and artistic perfectness. for that u deserve 7 (only because there s no more than 7). great work, one of the very best i have seen on the site. (-->gallery, the natural place of such works)


    the qality of hasselbled. i dont know what u wonna do here. i guess this photo deals with composition some angles of view erc.. the ordinary things that those who love aesthetic photo get used to see from great masters and those who r inspired by them. i think that this imge has much more potential. probably this omage should be considerd also as some kind of expression of the mood etc. here it fails a bit (im talking about high standarts of artistic photo, im not saying that it is bad, not at all. u know how to use hasselblad and that puts this photo in advance any way). practically i think that the the angle should be a bit lower with maybe the plannar (i dont mean to open here the space too much). this would add the pic much more intimacy both of her mood and of your presence near her as a photographer whos getting very close into her private space. i aslo think that both hands placed in such way make the pic to theatralic. the tones r very well controled and u really like it.
  5. hi robert. ive just looked for comparison to the previous picjust to be sure that i know what im saying.... that one is much stronger. ya, there is some (very little) problem with cutting the image of the player with her back to u. this pic is ok compared to that one. inthis one u simply tell me (in terms of visual impression of the viewer) that there was a game of chess one bright and beautiful day etc.. in the previous u do much more then a simole story. that pic takes u on a high speed way to some essense of this boy, to some desposition of his at that present moment, and most of all, i see there thee photographer - impressed by the way this boy behaved. those r (for me) the components of a very fine artistic photo - to deliver a episoude or a disposition (in methaphysical terms that for me can apply to simplest things in our lives), and with it, to deliver your mental perception of the episode or disposition, and of course to do it technikally good (= to visualize and to make it possible for others). i dont say that this one is bad... not at all. but the previous is totaly on a diferent level (exapt that little problem with a right side of the image).

    JP b6

    i love this work very much from this presentation. others i dont like (its my opinion. theres too much meaningless decoration in them). why do i like this one... i think that u take this image to high stage of critical arts (see barbara krugers works). im not sure that u intended to do it since it is in presentation of decorative nude, but i dont care since this image is really good.the broken lines on the so called decorative image works here great. the faming of central part with empty space inside works great. very good one.



    great image. i love the pose. it tells everything. the exposed body is only an pure addition for aesthetics of this model andf in alegoric way a statement for truth. you r not exposing here her body, its her essense - her mental disposition. the left side is another great visual addition to it. since this kind of imagies should be perfect, i suggest not to cut her hand on the right. not that i care for her hand , but it would give a completnace. the border on the top (her head) is enough to say that she is privacy of herself which means that though exposed, the exposition is limited.


    Young Monk

    a great image. fantastic. about the flare, its only adds to the power of the image, and may be one of the most importent components of the image. thsi image is a real artistic, philosophical and psycological statement. any man who truly belives in the way he lives feels deep inside his mind that he is on top. each one of those ppl (be them very social animals etc) looks sometimes at the life and other ppl from this point of view - as a spectator (greek philosophers, sophists, even defined in that way the philosophy - life is an act and we r spectators). techically i would rather prefer here fp4+ with rodinal. ithink that cartier-bresson would not be shamed of this image (especially when it was done with leica and 50mm)

    Daytona Beach

    its a very good image. but i think that placing the horizon line slightly lower would be better. i dont think theres a need for this extra space iat the buuton but i feel that slightly opnening the upper zone would deliver powerful feeling of the space. i also think that a slightly less wider lense her would be nice. this image is very powerful as the minimalistic scene in fromnt. i dont really need as for the this endless effect of the wider opening of the lense. i think that when u capture a good scene and u deliver it in such a good manner as here, theres no need for any extras. concentraiting on the main would give much more power to it. i also think that theres a need in tuning the image, dont know how since i dont see the original media. generally it was done very good but some critical work of yours can put it forward. great image.

    Mass, Rain, Guinness

    yjis is a very good image. pesonally i think that the building in the background is an obuse for this image (not that u have much to do with it). without that building the open space would add so much power to the image.

    Precious Gifts

    its really difficult for me to say something good or bad about this image. first of all the quality. in case that the broblem is not scanning(i do have broblems with scannibg) the image quality is poor, especially when u read that it was done with hassie. even if u want to stay with this mood and this style of colors the image still should be done in a better way (godd camera/lense good film - ???). the lightening here is poor also. now, another problem here is that this image is in a mid range of something. its not realistic from the one hand, and there is not enough abstraction from the other hand. i dont care here for categorization of the image, its the way u left my reaction and my feeling to the image in this middle of something. i think that this image and the idea behind it can be and should be much better, cause all in all it has the potential. so, may be it would be nice to try it again to try vizualize it and to try to make a few versssions.


    the abstraction here is very good. but i think that theres a lack of some tention in this photo, the abstraction is only vizual and adds nothing to the image farther. i think that abstract image should have power or some visual effect in order to take the viewer to other places (of his imagination or the photographers imagination). again... the points here are for visual abstraction of the scene.

    Gold Dream

    i dont know if your intention was to make some interpretations to Bulocks photography(bw) . any way the color here makes it much more original, though i dont really like color photo. i also think that giving some more space here of the area u photographed would add more power to the photo. all in all very good image.
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