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final cut cafe

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Posts posted by final cut cafe

  1. I've heard people recomend the Mamiya RZ 67 camera and others

    recomend the 645e for taking portraits of families, children,

    couples and fashion shots. I would like to know your thoughts as to

    which of the two formats to use? I want to present my clients with

    very high quality images with color that would jump out of the

    frame! Which format would you recomend for use in a studio with

    controled lighting? Im looking at with the RB 67, RZ 67 or one of

    the 645's. Which 67 would you recomend or which 645? My niche will

    be creating fashionable images.



  2. I am looking at purchasing a light meter. I like the Minolta Flash

    Meter V and the Sekonic L-358 but I am looking for something less

    expensive. So for now it is a toss-up between the Sekonic L-308BII

    and the Minolta Autometer V. My main reason for posting is to

    inquire on which meter is better off for cordless triggering? Does

    the Sekonic L-308 have the same upgradable abilities to use the

    PocketWizard radio triggering system as the L-358? How exactly can

    the L-308 and the Autometer be used with a radio or infra-red

    triggering system? What extra equipment is needed (besides the

    monolighgts) ?? In the pictures I have viewed online thus far, the

    Autometer apears to have a larger luma disk. Is this true? Does that

    make it far superior than the L-308?


    Any thoughts comparing the two meters would be helpfull.



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