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Image Comments posted by rich_evans

  1. Good image, but could be improved. 2 points: 1 - too bad about the branch in the way, it gives an impression of the rider's back being out of focus, 2 - you can get a better suggestion of motion if you pan with the rider using a slightly slower shutter speed, and using fill flash to frezze some of the action of th rider during the exposure. --Rich

    Hombre !

    Laurent - I don't know why, but this image just jumped out at me! The blue and yellow or maybe the contrast of the B&W man - anyway, this would definitely be a hanger for my office. --Rich
  2. Pawel - I generally don't comment on B&W images - I got burnt out on B&W in college and only shoot color these days, but aside from that, compositionally the image is nice, and you have an attractive model. The lighting works for this, and there are enough grey levels so that nothing is getting lost. Focus seems a little soft, but that may just be the scan. --Rich


    Bill - very, very nice. As you know, images this clear and crisp are difficult to attain. This caught my eye as I live in NJ and its out state bird - I havn't seen a photo of one this clear. And the rest of your folder is very good also. Some really nice bird shots. --Rich

    Images of China

    This is a good image to use as a cover for a book - the enhancement/manipulation creates that type of image, however as a 'stand-alone' photo/image, I need to see it in context with others from a series - I'll check out your other images as soon as I'm done here ;-) --Rich
  3. Ryan - I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, but I think that although the colors are great - nicely saturated reds and blues - there's far too much contrast to make the image work: its just a picture. I'd like to see more light on the vegatation in the middle rear of the picture. Overall though, its compsitionally interesting. --Rich


    I don't want to unfairly rate this photo without understanding what you are attempting, but if I were doing this, I would have used a delayed flash which would have captured the child more crisply - find the blur or motion distracting when combined with the water. --Rich


    Nice, crisp image - colors and contrast are perfect. IMHO, I would like to see this image rotated to the vertical - it would accent the height of the central part of the the flower. --Rich


    This is potentially an erotically charged image, and would work really well if the the cropping were a bit less tight - the entire dolmen should be showing, it is a really kool image, nice job --Rich


    I'm a big fan of dramatic sunsets, and while the whater in the foreground adds some texture to the overall image, I would have recomposed the pic. to get only the distant sea and sky - IMHO ;-) --Rich
  4. Carla - I looked at all your other photos before commenting on this one - you've got a very good eye and alot of nice photos. This has potential to be a really good (rather than a just 'OK' image) - if you recompose to bring the red bridge more into prominence, with the reflection off the water from the rocks still in the image, this would be an excellent photo. Keep up the great work. --Rich
  5. Sundar - I personally think that this image is well balanced. Your comments about the original re: the cropping and warming validate your final image here, I wouldn't change it. Well done. --Rich

    My Guitar

    Diana - this is a really emotive and well done picture. The composition and lighting are perfect. The abstractness (?) of the final image really caught my eye. I rarely (if ever) comment on B&W because I got too burned out and jaded on it in college and now I do only color, however some subjects just scream out for Tri-x ;-) This is one of them. Very well done.

    Louisianna Bayou

    George - excellent composition and well thought out presentation. This is an image I would definitely hang on my wall. I really can't find anything to critique on this image, it just works. --Rich


    Excellent image! Your B&W portraits (I've looked at them all) show a mastery of the ability ot capture the full tonal range of the subject, and the use of the realatively soft lighting gives a wonderful natural look to all your photos. Great shots, I look forward to seeing more. --Rich


    Jorge - Thank you for your kind comments. I agree that the disparities in some photo.net ratings are difficult to understand. As you can see from some of the comments above, I have been reviled for some of my ratings. Both 'aesthetics' and 'originality' are extrememly subjective categories, and not everyone will like the same thing. I think that 'technical merit' and 'visual impact' would be more meaningful categories. I've taken a look at all of you images and will leave comments on some in the near future. I wish I had the time to visit some of the locales you've photographed - your images of many of them are really wonderful. --Rich
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