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Posts posted by jlr4photography

  1. Hi All,


    Thanks for all of your help/input. I found a local pro lab . . great lab! And, they were able to push my film 2.5 - 3 stops. I was able to salvage everything except the 1 roll of slide film.


    Anyway, as for the camera problems . . . the AF focus assist light was burned out, thus preventing AF in low-light situations (Yeah, I could have done MF . . . but that's another story). Anyway, I talked to the Camera Tech today . . turns out there's some major electrical problem with the camera today that caused the light to die. It's been in the shop 2 weeks already and they think it's another 1 - 1.5 weeks to go.


    Well, all that said, thanks for the support (even those of you who did a little bit of fussing) :-)

  2. Hi ALL!!


    Thanks for your GREAT responses!


    Since the question has come up a couple times . . . WHY DID I RENT IT? . . . let me clarify . . . . I was having problems with my N80. (particularly focusing in low lit environments). The wedding took place in a park close enough to sunset that I was worried about having problems with the N80.


    My friend asked me with about 24 hrs notice (when I was just getting back in town from a week out of town). . . . becuase she just wanted a few basic picts . . . So, I obviously didn't have enough time to take the N80 in to get checked out/fixed.


    I really preferred to rent another N80 but they didn't have N80's or N90's. . . only F100's. The guy at the camera shop (who has been a great help to me in the past) said I wouldn't have any trouble learning to use it given my N80 experience. So, I went with it . . . figured in the time before/ater the wedding I'd have a good time experimenting with a great camera.



    So, now . . . it was not really an issue of feeling like I needed a more advanced/professional camera to take good picts. But, I guess it was a series of not-well-thought-out decisions.


    Lesson definitely learned . . . .




    NOOOOOWWWWWWWW, Here's my follow-up question. I will chuck the slide film. But, with the color negative iso400 film, what can I expect the impact on the pictures to be? I was told they'd be more grainy. Do you think 2 stops will make it considerably more grainy that the picts won't be decent. Just curious.




  3. Hi Folks!


    A good friend of mine got married (eloped actually in a park

    yesterday). None of the family was there. Outside of the bride,

    groom, witnesses and pastor the videographer and I were the only

    attendees so they are relying on our videos/photos to share the event

    with the family.


    I am an amateur and was just doing them a favor . . I rented a

    Nikon F100 (the only Nikon body the camera shop had). And it is

    sufficiently different enough from my N80 that I didn't have some

    things set properly . . . .



    I shot:


    --- 7 rolls of fuji superia color negative film iso 400


    --- 1 roll fuji sensia color slide film iso 100


    --- 1 roll fuji superHQ color negative film iso 200



    But . . I discovered this morning when perusing the F100 manual that

    the camera was NOT set to automatically detect the DX coding. It was

    set on ISO 1600.





    --- Will I be able to salvage these picts?


    --- What instructions should I give the processing lab?


    --- I was planning to have WOLF camera send it to their labs.

    Are they a custom-enough lab to help me make the best of this



    --- I'm in the Chicagoland/Western Burbs area. Does anyone have any

    reccs for labs I should work with that are better than WOLF?


    --- Any other advice for me?




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