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Everything posted by david_henderson

  1. OK, been away a little while and the site is still nowhere close to being right. Its just too much hard work- most of which seems to be performed by contributors. The email I sent with important (to me) omissions a day or two after "launch" has not been acknowledged never mind actioned. I just can't see me ever participating in Photo.net at anything like the same level, and certainly there's no incentive to communicate what's amiss. And I have to say that in a well-run business , if there are plans to make changes to people's status then they are told why in advance. Photo.net just does not have the volume and quality of resource to make this type of change without major issues.
  2. Cane roof and shadows, Aigues Mortes, France. Tri-X
  3. Famico. I did say before you post the image. Don't try to select/open the image before you refresh. Instead, refresh before you open. Try again. Glenn's advice outlines the way things should work. Unfortunately it isn't the way things are actually working for (I suspect) quite a few of us. Hence the workaround advice. The error on usernames and failure to maintain para breaks are well recognised amongst users and I hope that means they're on Glenn's hit list for fixes. The presumed bug on the upload system should hopefully be too. You are not on your own on any of these things. Its not your computer, not your browser, its not the image either -it's the site.
  4. Let me pass on to you something that Andrew Garrard passed onto me and it worked. Right before you post the image, refresh/reload the page- there will be a refresh tool on your browser. Then try. You should be getting a dialog box that asks you to choose between a thumbnail and a full size image (but you probably haven't so far) check the full size option and hopefully your image will appear. Andrew reckons its a bug.
  5. I think that likes -or dislikes- are pretty meaningless without an explanation of why. In the photo.net of old ( well last week actually) we could always write a counter view, or a rebuttal. I found that many threads contained nuances of disagreement but when people made that clear, they rarely said " I dislike that " or "I think that's rubbish/unsupportable/unintelligent" or whatever without saying why. And frankly I think that's fair enough; probably a good reason not to facilitate drive-by "dislikes" . If you don't like something, write a post to say why. Don't have a "dislike" button. Now "likes " may not be terribly useful ( and as I don't use Facebook, Twitter etc I'm not really a fan ) but they are inoffensive. What they are though is potentially mate-rating fodder. And there'll be lists of people with the most "likes" and some people will want to be on it. People will start to believe that lots of "likes" means a good quality contributor, and whilst sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. If something isn't clear, and there's scope to mislead, that's good enough for me to think I'd rather it wasn't there. The closest we got on "old" photo.net was the "+1". But the difference was nobody ever counted +1. Nobody ever had a profile that said how many +1 they'd earned. It was just a way to save some typing. So I would rather have no "like" buttons and if I did have them I would never, ever, count them.
  6. Seville, Spain. Ceramic balustrade
  7. Gup, you're right. It's Castelmezzano, province of Potenza, Basilicata. Sorry to mislead. Have been to Castelmuzio btw as I think my next trip to southern Tuscany will be #9
  8. Hmm. Andre Garrard/Fluppeteer suggested I reload the page before posting. That's twice it worked This is Castelmuzio, a village nestled into the Southern Apennines in Basilicata. If there's a particular point to the thread - like you're planning a trip to Italy, there's a gallery of Italian landscapes on my website.
  9. Fluppeteer/Andrew I believe. Thanks. Plainly worked this time. Thanks for your help.
  10. I used to know what I was doing, could find my way around and could get at everything I needed to do what I set out to do. Now I don't have a clue- can't find info I used to use. Still can't even post a picture in a thread ( ok I made it work twice, now it doesn't) And I'm afraid I see no benefit at all, and there's plainly insufficient resource to guide us through the changeover. Its just like a group of people have made themselves busy to no purpose and have just left us alone to find our way around.
  11. But I'm afraid the problem's back. As before when I click "upload a file" I get a box which is essentially a window into my C drive. Its heading asks me to identify file or files for upload to Photo.net. when I select an image and click on "open", Photo.net attempts to upload the picture and fails, leading to a "There was a problem uploading your file----" dialog box and no picture. I'm not getting the dialog box "full size or thumbnail" after clicking "open" as I did on uploading successfully the two pictures above. I can't for the life of me see what I did differently then?
  12. Ok then, and this is the photograph I struggled with yesterday. Thanks for the help and patience. Don't know why but it's clearly working now
  13. Don't know why, but this time was different. when I selected this image I did get a box asking "full or thumbnail" and when I chose it loaded.
  14. Just tried a different browser. Same result on Chrome as on IE
  15. "Upload File" is not bringing up a dialog box - at least for me - its going right to my hard drive for me to choose a photograph
  16. Norman. Thanks for trying . I don't think the problem relates to a specific jpeg. I've tried several, from different folders to eliminate that possibility. Further some of these pictures have been uploaded to Photo.net before. Clearly things aren't well with the world and indeed I haven't been able to access the site at all for about 20 mins as it was telling me my IP address had been banned! I'm pretty disappointed with all this. If they've launched a new site without having online guidance on how to carry out basic tasks like make a post; access your history; add an image to a post I find that dreadfully disappointing and something for which, in a long-ago past life as head of user management for a major US corporation's UK customer management systems, I would have expected a real problem heading my way!
  17. Norman. I do not- and I just tried again to be sure. It just tries and fails to load the jpeg I select on my hard drive. They haven't banned people from uploading from anywhere but a photo.net portfolio have they?
  18. another test. Failed again. When I click the "upload a file" button , below, it opens up the docs folder on my hard drive from where I can navigate to the image I want to include. All of that seems logical to me but it won't load whatever photo. I select/open Norman/Naffy I don't see anything like what you have shown
  19. I've tried following Gup's instructions , but its not working for me- I'm not getting a choice between full image or thumbnail and when I select an image to add it looks like its going but then I get a red dialog box along the lines of "we're having difficulty uploading the image" Any further thoughts anyone?
  20. Another try Same issue. "There was a problem uploading your file". So tried another file. Same result
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