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Posts posted by jenn_downes_twilla

  1. Boy, I don't know if I can find any good examples - you can look at convexartist.com, but they don't really show the convex shape of the photographs. You can find oodles of these in junk/antique shops. They were slightly curved, appeared to be printed on a cardboard like backing and were often drawn into i.e. the eyes enhanced with pencil or paint, etc. Then they were usually framed in an oval frame with convex glass over it - no matting.


    I have a client who wants this technique applied to a current image. Convexartist.com will do it, but it costs a small fortune!


    I will try to find a copy of that book, but I'm afraid my projected deadline leaves little time for experimentation....


    Jenn Twilla

  2. If you have ever seen those old photos that look like they've been

    printed on cardboard and painted over, that are convex shaped, then

    you know what I'm asking about. I would like to make a print like

    these (of course an archival fiber print though). I have found one

    source in the US that claims to have the original presses and they

    are amazingly expensive prints to have made. Does anyone know how to

    do this technique? I can't imagine it would be THAT difficult, seeing

    as how these photos were mass-produced back in the day and peddled by

    door-to-door photographers.


    Any suggestions on how to do this would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Jenn Twilla

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