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Image Comments posted by sunny_from_the_sunshine_st

    The Daffodils


    The Florida weather is not very conducive to growing daffodils.

    They are reduced to annuals for most part.However if you are lucky you

    will experience some amazing blooms.

    I will appreciate your comments.~ Anis 9.20.2008

  1. Schwabacher Landing in the Grand Teton National park is one of the

    prime photo locations in America.To get a mirror reflection you need

    to get there early morning .You need to take a small gravel road off

    the highway to get there .Anis 9.19.08

    Cyclamen Dews


    Cyclamen comes in brilliant colors , but i thought the monochrome

    version did equally well.This was shot one early morning ,in my

    backyard with a black background which allowed me to use a smaller

    F-stop. ~ Anis 9.19.08

    Northern Gannet


    Photo taken at suncoast seabird sanctuary

    Although Northern Gannet populations are now stable, their numbers

    were once greatly reduced due to loss of habitat, removal of eggs and

    killing of adults.Their breeding range is the North Atlantic. They

    normally nest in large colonies, on cliffs overlooking the ocean or on

    small rocky islands. The largest colony of this bird, with over 60,000

    birds, is found on Bonaventure Island, Quebec, but 68% of the world

    population breeds around the coasts of Great Britain.




    Thanks for your suggestion.

    I normally do conventional black backgrounds.

    Just thought i should try something different.

    Will go back to the normal routine.

    Anis 9.7.2008

  2. Thank you all for your comments and complements.


    Frank: i browsed your gallery .You have some great shots of flying kites.What lens do you use for this purpose.I have recently started doing birds in flight.

    I bought Nikon 70-200 VR IFS lens this year and its built in motor has greatly

    increased my success rate with these shots.It is more fun doing it now.Prior to that it was kind of hit and miss.


    Steve:i think the diagonal shot does give it a better perspective.Thanks for

    your time and suggestion.


    Anis 9.7.2008



    I will like your comments .I took this shot around noon time while

    walking on a trail.I spotted the butterfly nicely poised and seized

    the opportunity .~ anis 8.31.2008

  3. Gatorland in Orlando ,FL has a bird rookery which is very active

    during the breeding season which runs between April and July .

    The birds are in their best attire and plumage at that time.They get

    active especially towards late evening which provides excellent

    opportunities for capturing birds in flight.

  4. Colorado Rockies are an awesome sight.I dont recollect the name of

    this particular range we came across on our way to San Juan Mountains

    in South Colorado in first week of September.It sure made us pull over

    to capture this sublime work of nature.

    ~ anis ; 8-30-08

  5. If you get to maroon bells early in the day and if the skies are blue

    and the water still, you will be rewarded with some awesome

    reflections of the mountain range and the surrounding vegetation.The

    best time to visit maroon bells is in fall when aspens turn gold and

    add to the drama ~anis

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