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larry w

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Image Comments posted by larry w



    A great photograph for sure ...


    Did you at all consider taking another with the hand laying flat (not all that necessary, as this hand position works) and/or flipping the image?


    You know, in a kind of a gravity defying supernatural, world in the palm of a hand type thing ???


    Don't get me wrong ... The image is great. It just kinda begs to be flipped upside down also.


    Georgy Girl


    An impromptu snapshot of our Jack/Rat Terrier with a Powershot A620

    while on a walk last January. I considered a bit of PS work on it

    (to maybe enrich the colors a bit), but I'm not sure it needs it as

    more or less, it's typical of her (on my monitor at least).


    What do you all think ???


    Thanks ...

    Moon and tree


    My personal opinion is that you have executed the shot well (nice exposure and focus on the moon and the trees), but your composition and my tastes don't match up.


    I'd have composed it such that no lines or structures or anything man-made was in the photograph. At the very least, no power lines.


  1. Having lived in Idaho for many years (and soon to return for good), I still never tire of photographs like this.


    Had it been a nicer day (or perhaps earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon when the sun was in a better position), this could have been a fantastic shot. Unfortunately the mountains just kinda blend into, rather than jump out of, the sky.


    Your composition and capture are great ... Unfortunately the scene did not cooperate as it can.


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