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Posts posted by magnus2

  1. <p>I am a wedding photographer and recently I created a new album proofing tool because I couldn't find anything out there which met my needs. I know I might be bias but hear me out ...<br /><br />In my own workflow as a wedding photographer I often found myself sending out album designs but it takes a long time to get a response from the client. I analysed the situation and realised we, as a wedding photographers, do not give the easiest task to our clients.<br /><br />I have spoken to many photographers and we all have slightly different way of doing it but fundamentally it can be divided into two workflows:<br /><br />1. We send our clients an email with a link to the proofing website (in my case it was albumexposure ) and separate link to the gallery with all their photos (zenfolio and shootproof in my case). Then ask them to leave comments and references to file names under each spread that they wanted to modify.<br /><br />or alternatively<br /><br />2. Some ask the couple to select the photos they want for their wedding album and then design the photos with their favorite photos. Then send them the album design to review.<br /><br />In both cases, the customer will check the album design against the gallery at one point – just to see if another photo might fit better. Ultimately, we make the client look at the album design and their gallery separately. And in worst case, you ask them to write feedback in an email. This means they will need up to three windows/tabs open just to give us feedback. Of course, this will take time for the client and not something you do in the sofa under a blanket with your partner. <br /><br />This is why I developed a tool which integrates album proofs and gallery (it may be local, zenfolio, smugmug or shootproof). It also got features like "drag and drop" of conversation windows, convert album into mobile app. <br /><br />The album proof tool I created can be found here:<br /><a href="https://www.albumparrot.com/" rel="nofollow">www.albumparrot.com</a><br /><br />Would love to hear your feedback! I truly believe this is something which will make life easier for your clients and shorten the time between album design and order of album. </p>
  2. <p>Got a technical question....<br>

    If I take a picture from a helicopter which is 100 meter up the air with a 12megapixel camera and then fly up at 200 meter and take a picture with a 24megapixel camera - will the quality of the image be the same? Will I be able to zoom into a tree and see the same details (assuming weather conditions is the same)<br /><br />Or are there other factors which impacts the quality of the image as the distance increases? I guess the distance itself is a factor? <br /><br />Hope this make sense :)<br /><br /></p>

  3. <p>I am going to buy an iMAC 27" (the latest one) - but I am not sure which specs is most important for photoshop and lightroom.<br>

    Is it:<br>

    -i5/i7<br />-video card 500mb vs 1GB<br />-RAM 4GB<br>

    I know all four impacts the performance - what bothers me the most is when I open a file from lightroom to photoshop. Currently, it loads on my computer for 1 full second and the same when it closes. So i want the loading time to be quicker basically....<br>

    Which one should I care about most?<br>



  4. <p>Hi All,<br>

    Junebug released their 50 world's best wedding photos of year 2010 - I got the great honor of getting one of the spots! (Nr 16 is mine but all 50 images are really inspiring)<br>

    <a href="http://junebugweddings.com/fashion-report/wedding-gallery-best-photos-of-2010-top-photographers.aspx">http://junebugweddings.com/fashion-report/wedding-gallery-best-photos-of-2010-top-photographers.aspx</a><br>


  5. <p>Hi guys,<br>

    I would like to get a lens for shooting the ring shots in a wedding. I use a D700 and the only one nikon offers is the 105mm f2.8 but the price is a bit steep especially as I plan to use it only for ring shots. Ideally I want the 60mm as the price is much better and does the same thing.<br>

    Any 3rd party lens recommendation for the full frame camera?<br>


  6. <p>I was in a big grass field with very blue sky in the middle of the day. I wanted to underexpose the blue sky by a stop to get that DEEP blue color and then I wanted to add my flash to expose the subject properly. However, by big green grass was also under exposed (as the sky was). I guess using one flash to increase the grass field by one stop is out of the question so how do I get that blue sky but normal green and properly exposed subject?</p>
  7. <p>This weekend I asked the model to move the bottom part of her white dress at the same time that the head should be in the same position. Of course, there will be movement in the head but I hoped rear-curtain-sync flash would freeze that but it did not work....<br>

    Problem was that I was working under very brigh conditions - midday sun light. So if I went down to 1/20 of a sec it was overexposed and my sync speed is max 1/250 (whilst my iso was the lowest it could be). <br>

    Is there a way around this?<br>

    I also tried to accept the slight "over exposure" but the rear curtain sync didn't do its job - is that because it was too bright?</p>

  8. <p>Thanks for all the feedback guys.<br>

    I have heard a lot bad things about Craiglist so prefer to stay away from it. I am not planning to make a profit out of this shoot but do not plan to loose money on it either. Therefore I offer the same package to customers in Switzerland as I offer in NY. With that money I can cover my cost and have some money over for dinner.<br>

    Ideally I would like to shoot some classic sites in New York but also be part of an american wedding - they tend to do things in style and big. Would be cool to shoot.<br>

    So I was looking for particular sites and forums couple would use ...</p>

  9. <p>Hi,<br>

    My friends 18-55mm lens broke - on the backside of the lens there is a small black "thing" which fixes the lens to the camera itself.</p>

    <p>When you twist the lens onto the house then you should here a "click" - it is secured by two black "things". One of these has fallen off.<br>

    <br />Question is - can this be replaced by him or does he need to go to a garage? does anyone know what this "thing" is called?</p>



  10. <p>Hi All,<br /> Today I saw something I have not seen before. I used lightroom and opened it in photoshop and it has real difficulties to see the RED color. It is very different!<br /> I checked the colorspace in lightroom and photoshop - both use ProRGB.<br /> What is the reason for this? Now I am not sure who displays the "true" color - lighroom or photoshop??<br /> <br />Appreciate any help!<br />Magnus</p>
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