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Posts posted by colleendonovan

  1. I think you should absolutely do it!!! WHere do you live? I had a hard time finding a lab in my area (middle of Washington state) and I use Prolab in Seattle. They have a website - www.prolab.com They have Senior packages as mentioned above and they give you a free yearbook proof that the senior can give to whoever is in charge of the yearbook at school. Look around for a lab. Or you could try Mpix online. I use them for all my digital stuff and they are really good - and fast. They also do film. you can go to Mpix. com and have them send you some film mailers. Don't worry you're film will be okay. :) By the way, I just started my business in March and I want to do Senior photos. Where do you think would be the best place to advertise??? Good luck!!
  2. Ruben, I'm really sorry. :) Don't they do lots of celebrating and stuff for the Day of the Dead? Yes, I am going to take tons of pictures and if they're any good I'll post a couple. I'm hoping to get some really good ones of the wedding couple and such, but I don't want to make the hired photographer mad. I do get to shoot the rehearsal and the dinner all by myself though, so that will be fun. I'm hoping they'll let me have like 5 minutes with them after the wedding so I can take a few of my own pictures without stepping on anyone else's toes. Who knows?
  3. I had to go try out the AI servo after reading this thread. I think it works great. I now my dog isn't even close to being a bride, but I figured if it worked with him, it work with a bigger object going slower, right? I changed the focus point on my camera to the second one from the right to compose it a little easier. Okay, never mind about all that stuff. I really don't know what I'm talking about except that I went out and tried it and it seems to work really great. :)<div>008Vrt-18342384.thumb.jpg.a014d84b5db12eab925a88362ebc2dae.jpg</div>
  4. Melissa, I have a 10d. What you do is take a picture of the piece of paper (and yes, bracket it). I bracket the exposure and the white balance (you can find them in the menu) and then you pick the one that looks the most white. You save it (I protect it so it won't get erased) and then when you want to use that picture for white balance you choose 'custom white balance' and set that picture for the white balance. If you have a manual it tells you how to do it in there.
  5. Hi Sergio!

    I just bought a Canon 10D after asking this same question in the wedding forum! I LOVE it! I had a Minolta XTsi and i haven't used it since. Which reminds me there is still a roll of film in it. THe 10D is very easy to use and if you read the manual to figure out all the little symbols and all that, then you should be fine. I didn't feel overwhelmed at all. I'm really impressed with the quality of prints that I get, too. I had an 11x14 printed the other day and it looks awesome! You should read the answers that were posted to my question in the wedding forum. It's under 'equipment' and the question was 'Canon or Nikon". Hope this helps!<div>008Rsv-18257384.jpg.9afda9f3be629295319b71612a8eaa1e.jpg</div>

  6. Hi Steven, I don't know about Pictage, but I get my prints through Mpix. I just ordered an 11x14 and it turned out really great. I've shown it to a lot of people and they can't figure out if it's digital or film. I took the picture in large/fine mode which is 2048x3072 in my camera (Canon 10D). I almost want try a 16x 20 just for sport. Anyways, sorry I forgot the question. I took it in JPEG and sent it to them in JPEG. I feel totally confident about ordering 8x10 and 11x14 for my customers. I haven't even tried RAW yet.
  7. Oh Man!! Them were fighting words, until I read your second post. :) Mine was a 10D, 50m/1.4 lens and I put the white balance on Cloudy, cause it was cloudy. :) I also used fill flash from a 550EX speedlight on highspeed sync. I think I'm in love with my camera. :)
  8. Hi Steven! I just got a Canon 10D and I love it!! I've taken about a thousand pictures int he week that I've had it. The quality is really great. I know what you mean about being able to check exposure, etc after you take a picture and I have faith that you wouldn't be looking at it after every picture. It does come in handy though, I took some dance pictures for someone this weekend and she wanted to do a jump. So I took a bunch of pictures of her jumping and then I was able to check to see if I had got it. It took a couple tries, but at least we were able to get what she wanted instead of biting my fingernails until I got the proofs developed! Anyways, I swore up and down that I would never go digital and I have to take all the bad things I said about it back. :) I don't think you'll be disappointed if you decide to go digital.<div>008HGa-18023284.jpg.adfc0e7dd16781b40d96ef35cf6497ef.jpg</div>
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