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Image Comments posted by jo_jenns

    Rodeo (2)

    Its a good action grab. Regarding the photoshop work. If you add a mask to the layer you can use a gradient of black to transparent on the mask to achieve a good smooth transition from infocus to blur on the background.
  1. I dont have any grad filters for my wide angle lens so I did 2 shots

    using a tripod and combined in photoshop. It was taken at 8pm at

    night so I didnt lighten the sceen as that is how it looked as I

    stood there.

  2. This is a commercial crop of canola/rape and the farm equipment can not crop to the trees, they are not flowers. I did not ADD the trees and I have not listed the image as manipulated.


    I did global edits to colour and USM after resizing. I have no idea what all those trees in a desert setting you attached have to do with my image.

  3. No the trees are not cloned in. The 'shadows' are the area round the trees that are not in crop with the canola, the long strip at the front is a depression where the dam/pond is and the green is the tinge from the canola folage.

    I have to say I was so pleased and excited to find this surrealistic setting and your 'photoshoped' comments have taken the edge of the joy for me.

  4. Thanks for the comments and ratings. I will have the chance to revisit this location on Sunday and the weather is set for fine/sunny with cloud developing so I am hopeful of getting a set of shots.
  5. Found this location late today but got rained on before I could get

    all the shots I wanted. Small crop from left and bottom. There is a

    dam in the dark green strip and the position I was standing gave the

    highest vantage point.

  6. If you wish to control the whiteish artifacts in images like this when sharpening in photoshop then do this.


    1]Duplicate the layer and apply USM as per normal in your chosen settings.

    2]Now turn off the layer under this sharpened layer and double click on the top USM layer on the right of the layer thumbnail. This should open the Blend If dialog box.

    3] There are 2 sets of sliders in the lower 1/2 of the box. Adjust the top slider on the right by moving towards the centre(left)- you should see transparent areas in the highlight end of the image. Adjust till the whitish artifacts are gone. To refine the transition hold down 'ALT' and click on the triangle of the slider and it will split in 2, this determines the degree of feather like transition to blend the effects of uSM.


    You can do the same thing on the shadow end of the slider to blend the shadows and reduce shadow noise artifacts.


    This is mid tone sharpening and does well to reduce artifacting and halos. If you change the blend mode of the layer to 'Luminosity' you will reduce colour shifts and haloing even more.


    Further you can reduce the opacity of the layer or apply a mask and paint out areas of sharpening or reduce them.


    Oh - I do like the image but would like a tiny bit more room at the top.



    Best viewed at large size. I converted this to try to get the look of

    a siver gelatin print. Wish I had the money for the 'big' equipment.

    Comments or suggestions please.


    How do you upload here without having the image resized?

  7. Took this during a violent storm. The clouds where opening and

    closing in seconds and causing sudden diffused areas of late

    sunlight. I missed several shots because the light changed as I

    pressed the shutter. This was one of my better results.

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