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Posts posted by karl_schill

  1. Thank you for your responses. I wound up asking the person if by any chance they would have the old battery. Well they did and gave it to me. Of course it still didn't work. I tested it and it was dead. I tehn carefully cut the outside wrapper of the battery with a razor and placed 4 386 button batteries inside and retaped the casing. Placed it in the camera and it worked like new. I read where that can be done and the extra .4 volts would not hurt at all.

    Just figured I would follow up.


  2. Hello. I have a question that hopefully someone can help me with. I

    was recently given a Minox model C that the owner wasn't sure if it

    worked since he never used it. It is in excellent condition and looks

    as though it was taken care of. One thing I noticed was when I

    checked the shutter for operation it seems to stay at the same speed

    no matter if it is on A or up to 1/1000 and any speed in between. I

    also noticed that this model requires a battery that is not in the

    camera. Does the battery control the speed and shutter operation

    (open-shut) or could there be another problem with the camera? Also

    if I get a new battery and it still doesn't work properly, would you

    happen to know where I may send the camera for quality repair?

    Please let me know as soon as you can.

    Thank you,

    Karl F. Schill

  3. Steve, on eBay I purchased a few Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex's each one of them was well under $200.00. These are older cameras made by Zeiss Ikon but built well with excellent Zeiss optics (of course). They all take 120 roll film and for me produced for testing purposes very nice sharp pictures. If you wanted to go this route I would recommend the Ikoflex Ic which has a built in light meter in the viewer. No batteries are required! The mint Ic model I purchased was $161.00. It works perfect! I have found the best prices of course on eBay, but be careful with description and buyer reputation as always. As for my Yashica Mat 124G, this is a great built camera also, but they have gotten very pricey especially for a very nice one. I would say upwards to $350. Takes great pictures also, but does require a battery for the meter. Not a real big deal? If you can come accross one of these for $300 or under in great shape I would go for it. They are very well made also. But remember these cameras have been out of production for quite some time, and inorder to repair them would require some searching. There are shops though that will clean/and or repair them.
  4. Huy, I have both the FG and FM10 as well as other models. I used the FM10 a little and seems to work ok for now. It does not have that quality feel though and personally I would not put it up against older Nikons for a real user camera. To me it feels "Cheap". The FG I use from time to time works quite well. A nice lightweight camera. I also have an EM model which was Nikon's low end camera in the 70's. That believe it or not still works fine for me after 20 years. Not a problem at all. Takes very nice pictures. It is my backup most of the time! As for buying a camera on eBay, yes there are some great deals. Of course you have to be careful and check the add and buyer reputation before considering a purchase. I just got another FM in mint on eBay for $165.00. The FM and FM2N are my favorite Nikon cameras for durability. My conclusion would be try to get a good used FM body with a 50mm E series lens instead of a Nikkor only due to price. The chrome bodies are always a bit cheaper than the black ones. For $200.00 or less you should be able to buy both camera and lens. Also someone else mentioned KEH Camera dealer. Yes, these guys are good. I purchased quite a few items from them with no problems what so ever. Their grading is very honest. You may want to give them a call or check out their website for their inventory.
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