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Image Comments posted by patricia_eifel

    Palais Royal

    Looks like more than the door is missing Carl... Sometimes it is hard to part with the original "straight" version but I agree that elimination of the less compelling participants simplifies the composition and is very effective. Thanks Carl. I think I will go back to the original and create a "Root" version.

    Dante's Styx


    Hi Carol ---

    I like the tinting on this. I think the dark glassy foreground space is important to the composition. It contributes to the vague feeling of danger that I think you want to covey. Perhaps still not quite dark enough for Dante but beautiful none-the-less.

    Petit Soldat

    Thanks! Actually, the reflection was of the little boy's mother...it was too dark to add a polarizer and I don't really mind the reflection which I think adds a little context but I can see that the image might have been cleaner without it.
  1. Excellent detail, color. A good eye for the chance juxtaposition. My only criticism is that I think the composition would have been more effective with a little more margin on the left side of the window. Perhaps there is a little more hiding under the frame on the slide...?


    This is a beautiful composition with the angled shadows and peeling paint in the second room drawing the eye to the center of the shot. Unfortunately the DOF problem prevents this from being a truly great shot. Definitely worth returning to the site if you can.


    Elizabeth - I like this one very much just as it is. A very gentle, loving portrait. I particularly like the way you handled the periphery. --- Patricia


    Very interesting composition, perspective and central figure adds sense of mystery that makes the image. Would have been spectacular with a little more DOF.
  2. Hi! I'm enjoying your recent explorations--

    In this case, I like the texture overlay on the flower very much. I think the crack detracts a little from the compostion though.


    I like the concept and the compostion very much, but a couple of things bother me a bit. -- The transition between the crane and background is very abrupt making it look pasted on, particularly in the region of the perch. I go back and forth about the sepia, but I think I would have preferred it in a cooler tone.

    Rope-walker (2)


    The first version that I uploaded was never as satisfying as the wet prints that I have

    made. I have been working on my digital darkroom skills and this is a second

    attempt. Better?

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