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Posts posted by henryk_barnas

  1. Richie and Carsten thanks for your help. I think i will get the 90 2.8 for now and look for good user 135 2.8.

    Now if David is correct in his diagnose and when my wife will notice new lenses i may be joining the irritated crowd... Well at least for a while.



  2. It is depressing to see this forum turning in to analytical debate misery.

    Unfortunately I do not have neither photographic nor Leica specific knowledge to participate in the postings, so seldom I asked in the past forum members some questions.

    Nerveless always people on this forum were more them willing to help and or share their knowledge.

    Lately however I noticed that this spirit is no longer present. What does it matter what I plan to get from this pictures. Either you feel like posting one if you have one handy or just ignore this post.

    If you have to know I was hoping to see the difference in the perspective between the 90mm and 135mm each lens has to offer.


    Well thanks for nothing.



  3. Thank you for your response.

    I did use M camera, MP to be exact. What I did not realize is that difference of angle and �spot� area between 50 and 35 mm will be that great.

    Up on given advice I did take second round of readings from a wall and both lenses came with same reading.

    I can wait to see hot the pictures will turn out.

    Spot meter will be a good idea.

  4. Just this morning I was shooting outside some newly bloomed cherry

    trees and I noticed that my 35mm summicron read 1.5 to 2 stops faster

    exposure the my 50mm summicron.

    Both readings were taken with in 2 minutes in time on the same

    camera. Camera was on the tripod and I was just switching lenses

    without moving anything. Obviously angle of view was changing but the

    center mitering spot should have been pointing at the same area. Both

    lenses are taking excellent pictures and if not for immediate

    comparison I would never know that one seams faster then other even

    if both are f2.

    Is that normal and did anyone else has seen it?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  5. Greetings,

    I am looking to purchase 35mm Summicron the current ASPH version. In

    my quest to find one for a decent price I found one brand new made

    in Canada for $1100.

    I did not know that this particular model was ever made in Canada.

    Could anyone please let me know if Leica ever made the current 35mm

    Summicron in Canada and how does it compare with German made one.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Thank you all for your comments.

    Marc I do like your version my picture. It did not even cross my mind to explore different composition options.

    To put it in perspective this is just a snap shoot and I am at the point where I would like to improve my technique. This is what I hope one can acquire by learning. As far as the composition I think you have it or you do not. I do not have it therefore I will stick to my day job.

    Never less I would like to take pictures for my own pleasure and do it the best I can. Really appreciate all of your comments and suggestions.


    Kamol I like your picture, what film did you use?


    Thanks again.


  7. <html>



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    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=2010561&size=md">

    <img border="0" src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=2010561&size=md"></a></p>

    <p>This is photo of my son with MP and 50mm Summicron. </p>

    <p>Let me know what i did wrong and if any what i did right.</p>

    <p>I think this will work better. .</p>

    <p> </p>





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