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Image Comments posted by ajpn

  1. Yes it was on the roof, you can see the shadow of the chimney. Unfortunately, it was mid-summer, about 95 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. I'm surprised I got that much of me in the picture. The things we do when we are bored. ;)
  2. I'll bet these shots are actually pretty snappy on prints. It's either the scanner, or you're getting your shots on floppy, right?


    You have some fun stuff in your folders and you're right about telling stories through what we take pictures of. I see you like just a little pinch of frightening with your mug full of zany!


    I had a freind who recently passed away who could mimick this guy's sound perfectly. He would have loved this. You don't catch one of these with his mouth that wide open very often. Magnificent.


    He says, "Well son, why would you ever want to be wasting that film on that dancing bear, when you've got me. It's not everyday you see a man in a white suit!"



    You know what? He looks like he's enjoying himself, just being his own freak of nature. What else can we ask for? I like it. Wouldn't you love to see this guy throwing out the first pitch at the World Series?



  3. What I would give to get my hands on that robot man. Just think of what you could do with him. I'd take him up on the side of a mountain and pose him preparing to jump off. Also, if the woman was in focus she'd distract from the main subject. I'd take the picture into Photoshop and and make that sign say, "Slava Kozlov was here, and so what if you don't like it!"
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