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alberto pastorelli

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Image Comments posted by alberto pastorelli

  1. The ruins (no windows, no floor and no roof) of the great Abbey of

    San Galgano and the Eremo of Montesiepi (where Saint Galgano was

    buried), with Its precious Sword in the Cliff, is one of most

    evocative places in Tuscany. The construction of the great Abbey

    started around 1220 A.C.and it was finished around 1268, when it was

    officially consecrated from the Bishop of Volterra Alberto Solari.

    Then, followed one hundred years of great splendor until 1364 to

    which it followed the slow forfeiture.

  2. The ruins (no windows, no roof and no floor) of the great Abbey of

    San Galgano and the Eremo of Montesiepi (where Saint Galgano was

    buried), with its precious Sword in the Cliff, is one of most

    evocative places in Tuscany. The construction of the great Abbey

    started around 1220 A.C.and it was finished around 1268, when it was

    officially consecrated from the Bishop of Volterra Alberto Solari.

    Then, followed one hundred years of great splendor until 1364 to

    which it followed the slow forfeiture.

  3. The image is funnny and I like it.

    The composition is quite perfect. But it's a photo of animals in a particular situation...

    So, about the composition, I can only agree with a previous comment - Keep things "Natural."-


    That said, I'm happy to know from Carl that ".. 'Nature's Best' accepts only slides for their publication.."

    So, I obviously strongly disagree with an other previous comment " I don't care whether they are made of plastic or real."

    I care.

  4. The photo is probably real.

    Even if I'm an analog photographer and dislike the use of digital (better to say manipulations) I know very well the subject and the location of this image.

    Everyone, even with a point & shoot in a sunny day can make a replica of it.

    The problem we have, in my opinion of course, is that we need to divide this site so the analog photographers and the digital creators should have separated.

    I, too, feel frustrating after the difficulties (amazing difficulties...)we have to obtain a good analog image, in front of that "easy way" of doing the same image (well , obviously it's completely different...)

    I've posted a proposal about it, if you want take a look at :



    But this image, I repeat, captures a place too famous. I know it, and it seems a real reproduction of that place.

    Maybe Francesco can help telling me the way he obtained it. Particularly from "where" he obtained it.





  5. This shot was taken in late afternoon, with the warmer sunlight

    passing through the windows creating the illusion of an artificial

    light into the Abbey.


    The ruins of the great Abbey of San Galgano and the Eremo of

    Montesiepi (where Saint Galgano was buried), with Its precious Sword

    in the Cliff, is one of most evocative places in Tuscany. The

    construction of the great Abbey started around 1220 A.C.and it was

    finished around 1268, when it was officially consecrated from the

    Bishop of Volterra Alberto Solari. Then, followed one hundred years of

    great splendor until 1364 to which it followed the slow forfeiture.

  6. The ruins (no windows, no floor and no roof...)of the great Abbey of

    San Galgano and the Eremo of Montesiepi (where Saint Galgano was

    buried), with Its precious Sword in the Cliff, is one of most

    evocative places in Tuscany. The construction of the great Abbey

    started around 1220 A.C.and it was finished around 1268, when it was

    officially consecrated from the Bishop of Volterra Alberto Solari.

    Then, followed one hundred years of great splendor until 1364 to

    which it followed the slow forfeiture.

  7. The ruins of the great Abbey of San Galgano and the Eremo of

    Montesiepi (where Saint Galgano was buried), with its precious Sword

    in the Cliff, is one of most evocative places in Tuscany. The

    construction of the great Abbey started around 1220 A.C.and it was

    finished around 1268, when it was officially consecrated from the

    Bishop of Volterra Alberto Solari. Then, followed one hundred years

    of great splendor until 1364 to which it followed the slow forfeiture.

  8. Arnab, it was a pleasure to see your work on my photo. Well done !

    By the way, the most of the "grain" in this photo arise from my "poor" scanner after a little improvement in sharpness. More, it was in the little format...

    Best wishes for your very beautiful portfolio !


    Anasazi Ruins


    Good eye of the photographer + Velvia + Medium Format (the wonderful Pentax 645n ) ... that's ALL.

    I'm sure you'll don't touch it in photoshop, no resize...no enhacing... no burning... no...digital manipulation.

    This is, simply, Photography.

    regards and compliments

    The Haunted Wood


    Excellent realization, and, please, take a look at his portfolio...

    It's a very high end portfolio, with many wonderfull photos.

    By the way, who's better than a wooden Tachihara for

    this "The Haunted Wood" ?

    My compliments


  9. Sorry to disagree with the above comment, this photo of a subtile foggy moment doesn't need to be sharper, due to the nature of fog...

    The only suggestion I can give is to bubble level the camera to obtain a real horizont line.

    Anyway, you have captured a pleasant moment.

  10. Maybe it's only a misunderstanding, but :


    I've never stated that the number of attempts can lower the value of this photo.

    I, like you , appreciate the perseverance to obtain a result.


    But "perfect timing" doesn't mean 100 or more shot...

    and " good saturation" ... is this attribute really controlled by the photographer ?


    So, what I've said is that I cannot subscribe sentences like " technical masterpiece", because the only technical adjustment Fabian made was the pre-focusing (perfect indeed, but not so difficult to do or uncommon)


    I also not completely agree with some comments like " with a point & shoot you can realize the same photos that you can obtain with a more professional camera" because this kind of sentences are false and not "educative" for someone beginning this hobby.

    It's not correct to generate the idea that we can all obtain perfect (technically speaking) images despite of technical knowledge or equipment and despite the subject.

    And , regarding money : do you know how many camera have a lower price than the digital S30 ?...A "more professional camera" could be, for ex., a Pentax k1000 widely available on the used markets, with price extremely lower than a S30...


    The more control you have, the best technical solution you'll find. The limit is , obviously, you fantasy.

    In this shot the admirable fantasy of Fabian had a result.

    In other circumstances even if with a wonderful fantasy a point & shoot camera will be unable to produce such nice result.

    In my opinion, this image can have high tributes for the originality and the vivid ideation, instead that for technical execution.

    I hope that even with my bad english , I was able to clarify my opinion.


  11. "...but still a really difficult picture..." said the motivation of this POW...

    "...technical masterpiece..." , "...saturation is beautiful and the lighting is perfect, both on the subject and the surrounding water..."

    , "...very technical exercise..." , "...A masterpiece..."


    Are you all joking ?

    Throwing pomato in a bowl of water making 100 shots with a digital camera to find one correct requires high photographic technical knowledge ???


    Fabian, sorry to be out of the chorus. The image is nice indeed.


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