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Image Comments posted by anthony_d.

    In the Snow

    Yes, a beautiful photo... and there is no need to have a cloudy sky. In fact, it would detract from the tree, and from the grey mood. I'm uncertain as to the effectiveness of the branch, but it makes it more 'real' and less like a postcard.
  1. This is an odd photo. The artsy framing is a distraction and you'd probably be better off either without or a frame, or a black one. Also, the first stained glass window appears to be leaning forward, whereas the middle one is vertical, and the third one is tilted backwards. Could be a function of a wide angle lens. Perhaps corrected in photoshop.


    I like the overall look...the contrast and the position of the face within the frame. However I think the glove is too overpowering and isolated. Overall though..its very well done.
  2. I like B&W images that have areas of deep rich blacks...so the dark water in the foreground is to my liking. Also, the scene is just beautiful. I would imagine that the actual print shows exquisite detail and would be far more impressive. Excellent work
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