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The tide is in


This was taken just before a storm started.


© The Artistic License, Version 2.0

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I was wondering what you think about this, I seem to get a love or

hate reaction, but the reaction is mainly to the use of HDR and not

the image.



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It's got a potential and is not bad altogether. For starters, however, the whole picture is too small and the buildings are a bit too small as well. A close-up of these metallic structures would probably render it more interesting. I would also contrast the reflection on the water more. Yet the idea and the spot are nice and good job done with HDR. regards, Tomasz
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overall a nice image. I too would suggest that since you are depicting the metalic structures that this be the focus of your post production work. However, I wouldn't necessarily get closer of further away. I would use the treatment you have already and highlight the structures through the use of light and shade. The sky treatment is good so I wouldn't touch that, nor would I change perspective. shading the ocean a darker shade while lightening the structures would be my advice. overall a very nice image
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I like this photo. I'm not sure what it is, but it's very intriguing and nice and crisp and clear. Thanks for sharing - Lex
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I like it...very dramatic and bold...I really like the compositional elements. As for HDR vs. non-HDR, I think we're far beyond this issue in the digital age. Show me one recent photo...okay maybe two :-) on PN that have not been manipulated in some form or fashion and I'll show you a rare bird indeed. To me art is art, whether it be a film image, a digital photo, a painting, etc. Its more about what the image communicates than the medium for me. I say great job and keep up the good work.
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composition: i like the funneling of the clouds into the main object. a little bit of water in front could have balanced it and added more depth IMHO.
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Hi Paul. I've read the other commentaries and thought I'd throw my 'ten cent's worth' in - I like this very much. I'm not inclined to agee with the comments that want you to tighten the object of focus and the crop you've chosen works for me. I think we often overlook the importance of the surrounding spaces with photos and tthere's a school of thought that says, 'crop tightly, admit as little as possible that isn't to do with the key subject'. I think this can be very limiting. If the object was to portray the barrier itself then some boring technical proficient shots would have done it. For me, this image works precisely becuase you've chosen to size the barrier the way you have, and becuase the horizontal crop creates a sense of the breadth of the water. The result is that the brooding (almost pregnant) sky coupled with the expanse of water tell the story of why the barrier exists - and the sizing makes me wonder if the barrier's big enough. I don't normally type this much, but the picture deserved the effort :) All in all, a good shot. And if it please you - it's really done its job. Happy shooting.
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I would like to say thank you to all of you that have left your comments they are helpful and greatly appreciated.


I thought of other crops, but adding more water put the barrier in the middle and I thought it looked funny, a close up of the structures (I did also take a close up view) to me lost the feeling of expanse and did not show the water volume. However I under stand all of the points of view as the structures themselves will be interesting if you have never seen them before.


When I took it I thought what happens if the rain full is massive can they hold all that water !!!! I know that can (or I hope so)


Thanks once again



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