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Posts posted by davidmccracken

  1. Adding them at the end does not make sense. People visiting a folder time and time again want to see the new photos first. Certainly I do no matter who's folder I am visiting.


    Also the suggestion to upload the photos in the order them you want them to appear is something I don't understand. There are photos I have not taken yet and when I do, I would like them to be the first photos seen when the folder is opened. I am sure I am not alone.

  2. OK! Some people may want to re-order their images. However, I do think when adding a photo to a folder, the default position should be as it was before. i.e. Latest submissions show up first. When I uploaded a picture today, the default position was at the last place in the folder. Moving it to the most recent 'position' was quite cumbersome. Can you kindly change the default position?
  3. It is my belief that if the site encouraged critiques more than ratings, people serious about photography would benefit more from the site. Numbers without words mean nothing!
  4. Josh,


    I can't be more specific. When I went to add a photo this morning (Hong Kong time)the add appeared just below the submit photo link 'button.' I really do hope this helps.


    Perhaps others have seen these ads too! Maybe they can help.


    The specific ad was the one that states you are the 999,999th visitor, click to claim your prize.... something like that anyway!

  5. When the good Doctor decided to take over a more active role in the running of

    his site, he found that he managed to lose a lot of customers through his

    unique way of irratating them. He obviously learned that it is not a good idea

    to annoy the people who line your pockets with lots of green stuff and managed

    to employ people with more people skills.


    Now, the flashing ads are back and they are annoying. Maybe they never went

    away but I have just experienced one very close to the 'submit photo' button.


    Why as a 'PAYING CUSTOMER' am I subjected to this annoyance? Is this the good

    Doctor's way of further irratating those that like to throw money at him.


    My advice, REMOVE THEM!

  6. The answer is simple! Make critiques compulsory in order to rate! After all - we are submitting our photos for critique. If there are those that are happy with ratings only.... let them submit them for ratings only.


    No doubt I will post the same message later!

  7. <i>"One does not have to be a photographer to be good at critiquing photos."</i><br><br><b>NO!</b> However this is a site for photographers.<br><br><b><i>"We are now a group of more than 100,000 photographers working to help each other become better."</b></i><br><br>Perhaps this should be changed to <i><b>'a community of people who can use a mouse who don't care if you get better or not!'</b></i>
  8. I am not saying you are lying Josh! However, if the hit rate of the photo pages are of so little concern, why don't we follow the lead from the front page of photo.net. 'We are 100,000 photographers trying to help each other.' If you are not a photographer, you can't rate. That is what Jim Adams was saying.
  9. <i>"Average number of ratings would tell the advertisers very little." </i><br><br><b>WRONG!</b><br><br>By encouraging people to 'Rate Recent' without giving too much thought to what the person is looking at, you are encouraging people to look at many more pages without than they could look at if they were forced to comment. Commenting slows the process down which results in fewer pages being viewed. This is not rocket science.<br><br>I do agree with you that to appreciate photography you do not require the ability to take photos yourself. However, on the opening page of photo.net there is statement to the effect that we are a community of <b>100,000 photographers</b> trying to help each other improve. To this end, Jim Adams is correct. 1,1 or 7,7 or 3,3 doesn't help me improve. Giving a critique does!
  10. I think everyone is missing the point here. PN wants to attract advertising. It can more easily justify itself to the advertisers by showing them how many people have looked at a photograph by showing the ratings that the site attracts. There are very few instances (if any) where a photograph gets more comments than ratings. Taken as a whole there are far more ratings than comments. Asking PN to change its policy is not going to work. Please do not be under the misguided notion that the site cares anything about critiques even though we submit photos for critique and not rating.


    It is my humble view that comments should be compulsory if anyone wants to rate.

  11. Is there a way to change the critique request? I posted <b><a

    href=http://www.photo.net/photo/6102569>this image</b></a>

    with the critique request 'Trul Talented' instead of 'Truly Talented.' I was

    going to delete the picture and resubmit it but someone had been kind enough

    to comment on it before I noticed my typo. <br><br>I don't think there is a

    way for me to do it. In this case, could a kind memeber of admin staff do it

    for me?<br><br>Much appreciated.

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