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andrew robertson

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Posts posted by andrew robertson

  1. I think it'll be cheaper and easier, and use less space in the camera bag, to just carry a few fast

    prime lenses. It is a neat thing though, I must admit, especially for people who do low-light wide

    angle photography in confined spaces (concerts, nightclub photos, museums) and who might

    not want to carry a bunch of lenses.

  2. I like the 10D because it has good performance for long exposures. It's also by far the quietest

    Canon DSLR, ever.


    I have heard from some folks that it is really built with some degree of weather sealing. I

    haven't had mine apart, so can not comment on that theory, expect to say that I have used it in

    all conditions, rain, snow, salt spray, and howling desert windstorms and it has held up like a



    I thought I'd get the 5D, then I thought I'd get the 5DII, and now I think I will wait. The gigantic,

    super heavy bricklike 1D and 1Ds series cameras do not interest me as I like my camera to

    weigh less than my car!

  3. Regarding the swastika, a lot of you folks are showing a kneejerk bigotry response to it. The

    Nazis did not invent the swastika. It is an ancient symbol which has been used by many

    cultures from all corners of the world. They will not all discontinue its use, and it is offensive to

    characterize all swastikas as "Nazi."


    If you paid attention, you'd notice that the Nazis used a swastika which was 45 degrees offset,

    ie in a rhomboidal configuration, instead of in a square configuration. This motif probably

    predates the Nazis, and certainly does not conform to their swastika's plan.


    Sheesh. Talk about cultural ignorance.

  4. I'm still using my 10D. It's pre-Cambrian, in the DSLR time scale, but it still works and gives

    great results.


    I suppose I will upgrade one of these days, probably to a 5DII or its successor. But for now, I

    am sitting pretty with my ancient camera.

  5. "The trick with the 85mm is to dispense of the 'floating' element.. amazingly the lens performs

    far better without it, even at close distances..."


    Any A/B shots of the 1951 USAF chart to prove that statement? You can forgive me for being a

    little skeptical...

  6. Fogging is a problem with Minox film cartridges.


    I recommend always keeping a fresh roll on your person, whenever you use it. Then when you

    have finished one roll, quickly swap out the old roll, pop in the new one, and put the old roll into

    the little box that the fresh roll came out of.

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