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john da

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Posts posted by john da

  1. Three M6 Classic bodies (two 0.72 viewfinders, one 0.85 viewfinder).


    Lens: 21mm ASPH, 28mm Elmarit (IV), 35mm Summicron (IV), 35mm Summilux ASPH,

    50mm Summicron (IV), 50mm Noctilux (with built-in hood), 90mm Summicron ASPH and

    135mm Apo-Telyt. One Motor M motor and one M 4-P Winder.


    Also, other than Leica: Nikon F2AS, F3HPT & FM2n bodies + 6 lenses. Hasselblad 500C/M,

    500EL/M and SWC/M CF + 5 lenses.


    I like to photograph just about any subject. Black & white is my favorite, but I also shoot



    Now that I have made this list, I think I should pair down the equipment to the essentials.

  2. Rich, great review!


    I feel much like you as I have the same bag (mine's all black and has the M Classic name

    on it) for about a year now. It is very enjoyable and quick to use. I like the way molds to

    my side and I am able to avoid banging into people or things when in tight spaces. I find

    the bag very easy to work out of and the velco noise has never been an issue with me; as

    I've been able to open it without disturbing anyone when necessary. It's size and layout

    works very well for me when I want to carry 1 or 2 M6 bodies with lens attached for fast

    use. It also has the capabilty of carrying a couple of additional lenses, light meter and film

    if I want to carry that much -- as you have shown... all while feeling like a much smaller

    bag. It is also a nice bag when you are required to be in a sport jacket or suit. I also have

    and use a Billingham 206 bag which is padded and can carry much more equipment, but it

    is a much different animal to tote around and work out of. Each bag has it's purpose. But I

    really enjoy the M Classic bag.


    Enjoy your bag...

  3. There is a NC-2 100 (52028) which has a the same basic shape as the NC-2 (TIPOC/

    52027) view finder, but was redesigned so that the Polarid film back would fit and work. I

    have heard that only about 2000-3000 were made. I have had one for years and enjoy it.

    But, I can't offer an opinion if it is or is not better than the PM45.

  4. I enjoy the banter and 'genuine knowledge" of this forum. So, once in a while I

    chime in...


    My "first" Leica was an M4-P. So I reaIly can't compare it to an M4 � as I have

    never owned or used that model. But, the M4-P served me very, very well. I

    have many wonderful and memorable images made with that camera and the

    original 35 & 90mm Summicrons used with said camera body. So much so,

    that even though I sold the M4-P body a few years ago to aquire a second M6

    body... I'm still sorry that I let it go on trade. Especally, since I had recently had

    it serviced (not too long) prior to the trade � and had the M6-type camera

    plastic anti-rub camera strap inserts added to the camera body. So if anyone

    out there has such a modified (black) M-4P, let me know. (And no, it is not

    some limited edition).


    But my main reason for answering this post is to simply say... M4, MP-4 or

    M6... they are all worthy of helping you to create wonderful images. Which in

    the end, is what it is all about.


    Lastly, even though I use hand held exposure meters, I do think that having

    the meter in the camera is an advantage at times.

  5. I have sent only 2 lens in for repair/service to Sherry (thus far). Tabbed 35 &

    50mm Summicrons. She has been very responsive and her work is excellent.

    As was the cost. I recommend her services to anyone in need of M camera/

    lens repairs without reservations. Excellent service � at a resonable price.

    She even exceeded her delivery time with one of the lens when I mentioned

    that I had a shoot coming up and really needed the lens. Kudos to Sherry.

  6. Take a look at these (all black & white) books by Norman Mauskopf:



    by Twelvetrees Press


    Dark Horses

    by Twin Palms Publishers


    A Time Not Here

    by Twin Palms Publishers


    Also, check out his website:



    He is a really great photographer who uses Leica.



  7. Hi all,

    The protective rubber ring on my 1.25x viewfinder maginfier seems to have

    become very loose. As I leave the magnifier on one of my M6s most of the

    time, it might be getting harder use than Leica had planned. But I doubt that. If

    I didn't wear eye glasses I would just remove it.


    I try to be careful when putting (or removing) the camera body with the

    viewfinder attached into or out of my camera bag, but sometimes I find the

    rubber protective ring partially dislodged from the viewfinder. I have even

    discovered the same situation a couple of times while carrying the M6 over

    my shoulder or around my neck because it rubbing against my side or chest.

    Has anyone had this happen? Has anyone tried to glue the rubber ring to the

    magnifier permantly? Any solutions?


    Thanks in advance for your help.


  8. Thanks for the heads up NY Times Magazine article Jake. I've been a long

    time admirer of Diane Arbus. Not always fully understanding how she was

    able to create such powerful images � but, always feeling and somehow

    knowing that she was not trying to exploit the people she photographed in

    order to obtain such powerful images. And always, jeolously wishing I had a

    miniscule amount of her talent and ability of being able to make people that

    comfortable in front of the camera.


    I am so much looking forward to the up coming exhibit and new "Revelations"

    book. I may have to follow Albert's lead on purchasing a plane ticket to see

    the SFMOMA exibit instead of waiting till it reaches the east coast.


    Seeing "Contact Sheet No. 1341" (in the NYT article) of the child with the toy

    grenade in Central Park, NYC, 1962... after all these years of running across

    this image now and again... and to actually see the sequence and flow of how

    the images/frames evolved was just wonderful!


    Lastly, if anyone is in the NYC area and ever has a chance to do a workshop

    at the International Center of Photography, check out Amy Arbus' portrait

    class. She is an artist in her own rite. Check out one of her books, such as

    "No Place Like Home".

  9. As I have recently had two separate dealings with Sherry regarding servicing

    my original 35 & 50 (Canadian) Summicron lens... I can whole heartly say that

    she does excellent work � and at a very reasonable price and time schedule.

    Also, and most importantly as in my case, she does not charge for or do any

    work that is not neccessary or warranted. I for one am very happy and satified

    with the quality of the services I have received from her.

  10. Doug,


    Take a look at the Billingham PressTop bag series. I have a #206 (middle size) and have added extra matching interior partitions. I also purchased the attachable end pockets to carry extra, film, small flash, etc. It is very flexible in how much or little you can or want to carry. And everything is accessible through the top.


    I know you don't want to carry that much but this bag is not that big, atleast to me. I have been able to carry (work out of the bag) as much as 2 M6 bodies, 1 motor drive/winder, 21 Elmarit ASPH, 28 Elmarit, 35 Summicron, 50 Summicron, a Noctilux, 90 APO Summicron ASPH and 135 APO-Telyt. Plus a spot or incident hand held meter and film. It also has a zippered pocket on the backside that can hold note pads, gray card, etc. I might add that if I do carry the full complement of lens, 6 of the leses are coupled together with a grey plastic ring that accepts the bayonet mount. That can get a bit heavy though sometimes.


    Anyhow, you might want to look at the model #106.




    The distributor/dealer in the States is RTS -




    Good luck to all.

  11. Hi Mark,


    According to the photos you posted, it looks to me like the Focotar lens (DOOCQ) is attached to the extension tube (DOORX) which is attached to the lens board... although I can't see that connection. I say that because of your top photo. As for the bottom photo, showing the bottom of the lens (extension tube) and lens board, to my eye, it looks as though the silver ring may just be a retaining ring which would be what the lens would screw into. Looking again at the top photo, it looks like the lens extension tube protrudes slightly through what seems to be a retaining ring which is flush up against the lens board. I don't understand why the lens won't atleast unscrew from the female end of the extension tube if the male portion of the tube is frozen to the lens board. That is unless both sets of threads are totally locked because of corrosion. My suggestion would be to see if a Leica Repair person would try to dislodge the Focotar from the lens board for you. Or if your really adventurous, try a small amount of pentrating oil, letting it soak in to only the threads and then carefully clamp down on what looks like a silver retaining ring while trying to twist the lens, by hand, slowly.


    Again, best of luck.


  12. Hi Mark,

    I also have Focotar f=5cm 1:4.5 which I purchased years ago. It is the culprit

    that made me move from Nikon SLR equipt to Leica M cameras and

    wonderful lens. It also was the culprit that made me purchase a Focotar II

    1:5.6/100 enlarging lens for my 2-1/4 work. Amazing glass! Anyhow, per your

    post, does the lens mount your Focotar is mounted to have a retaining ring

    holding the lens onto the board. I ask this question because the enlarger that I

    use these lens on is not a Focomat and that is the way my lens are mounted t

    the boards. Retaining rings sometimes require special tools to tighten and

    loosen what they are holding. Just an inquiry.

    Best of luck.

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