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aaron emanuel litvinoff

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Posts posted by aaron emanuel litvinoff

  1. Hi there. I am not a diver - don't intend to ever be. However, I do

    frequent the British seaside once a year and am not impartial to a

    good "paddle" in the sea with friends. I am wondering if there is a

    modestly priced housing which is waterproof to say, 2m MAX. Perhaps a

    more accurate description would be "weatherproof".


    My activity would basically involve just being in water up to my

    waist, suceptible to sand and sea air. Any ideas? I am preferential

    to British websites/suppliers.

  2. as a person who regularly posts annoying questions about 10Ds, this is an amateur site. Pros won't spend time on photo.net because they take photos all day and don't want to talk about it when they get home. Seeing as this is a free site there are many amateurs like me who are just learning and are only on their second cameras. Sharing knowledge is what this site is about.
  3. Hi guys, yes I know this is my second topic about UK 10D prices, but

    once I've actually got one I'll never post another one again!!


    Got the Dixons catalogue and it said that they were selling the 10D

    for £1500 (the RRP a few months ago). Sales assistant then told me

    that the price had been put down to £1250. So, if Dixons, the biggest

    chain of electrical goods in the UK is selling the 10D for a measely

    £1250 (which must be the new RRP,) my guess is that there must be a

    few internet websites/independents who don't have business

    maintenance costs (rent, staff salaries etc) selling it for less than

    that? Whenever I go to some stupid corporate site like ZDnet or

    whatever and click "compare prices" it only ever compares 5 of

    its "affiliates" - so has anyone seen or bought a 10D for less than

    £1250 in the UK? cheers

  4. hi there. I am going to get a DV video camera. My concern is quality

    of picture, as opposed to really cool effects/bluetooth/bollocks that

    would come on semi pro models. Is there a camcorder which has

    semi/full broadcast quality but not masses of expensive and unnessary

    controls (I've never, ever owned a video camera). I will mostly be

    using it for filming family events etc

  5. Hi guys. I am saving for a digital SLR. What I am wondering though

    is: if they can acheive autofocus and all these other brilliant

    automatic things, then can they bracket automatically?


    eg - I'm taking a picture of something fast moving, and it will only

    be there a few seconds. I want to get the DOF perfect, so I intend to

    take one pic at f3.5, one at f8 and another at f22. Can the camera do

    this by itself in quick succession, eg 3fps or faster?

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