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Posts posted by icuneko

  1. <p>Has anyone used the 45mm f2.8P lens for digital photography? If so, what were your results? I have like-new one that I may gift to a relative who has a D5000. If not, I'll be selling it very soon.</p>
  2. Fake or real--it does get the rumor mill juices flowing, doesn't it? Regardless, I for one would like to see such a camera become a reality. I don't need SLR, zooms, big or lots of bells and whistles. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) made great pics

    80 years ago and still can today.

  3. "the clarity and sharpness of the pictures are quite superb." And well they should be in bright sunlight with almost any modern digital and/or film camera, no? This "superb" statement really doesn't say much about the camera's ability to take good pics in other-than-bright sunlight. I've seen--and you must admit you have too--superb digital pics taken in the same conditions with even US $150 digital cameras.
  4. Indeed "How finicky (and critical) we have become!" I find the large rose in the background dreamy smooth. I didn't take out a pixel microscope and look for double-lines, etc. Nor do I look at individual things in isolation. Rather I was just initially impressed by the way the bokeh contributed to an overall sense of pleasing out-of-focus background in the total image. To paraphrase a saying about music from a great jazz player whose name my aging gray cells can't recall: 'If it looks good, it IS good."
  5. "...inverted cone type hood with a smaller opening. They are typically not as efficient as a standard type hood..." I beg to differ but I do think optical engineers think through and test the design parameters--opening size, etc.--very well when they design dedicated lens hoods. A small opening should not or does not cause vignetting just because it's small. The size of the opening and distance from the front lens element should all be optimized in dedicated hoods.
  6. I believe Oly does make a dedicated lens hood for the 25mm f2.8 which seems to have a smaller opening than the one shown above. Companies produce dedicated lens hoods whose openings are designed to optimized for that particular optical path, which varies according to each lens focal length and maxium aperture. Generic lens hoods may or may not fit this bill. Just like Nikon makes a deciated hood for it's 45mm f2.8 "pancake" lens, which I have.
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