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Posts posted by antonio_carusone

  1. Harvey,


    Your idea worked! The image looks like what its suppose to but I think I calibrated the

    meter on my prism the wrong way so the shots are all blown out. But here is what it looks

    like. I messed with the curves a little to darken it up. As you can see its very grainy but it

    seems like the problem is solved. I just have to fix the meter.<br><br>


    Anyways, could you explain to me in detail why it wasnt working when I scanned it as a

    negative? Thanks again man.<br><br>


    <img src="http://www.n-gised.com/Untitled-3.jpg">

  2. Matt the software for a Mac is all great and they work just fine but some of them are not

    fully optimized yet.


    For example Im a Flash developer and the flash plugin itself is better optimized on a PC.

    Flash files run much smoother on a PC and thats cause the plugin isnt as optimized for the

    MAC as it is for the PC.


    But the optimization Im talking about isnt a huge difference. There have also been tests

    done where Photoshop running on a Mac ran filters much master than a PC.



  3. Why do people keep asking me? Are you all afriad to mess with your film? I love trying new

    things with photogrpagy and its just to easy to open it in photoshop and mess with it. Id

    rather mess with the film. Anyways, Ive been crossing for a while now and I really like it. I

    guess its part of my style.

  4. Sorry PC dude but you obviously no nothing about a Mac. If you like building PC with parts

    from 100 different manufacturers then go ahead more power to ya.


    Rich, Ive been a Mac use my whole and Ive used PC for a number of years as well. They

    both can do the same imaging work in Photoshop, no difference. But if you want an easy

    to use stable OS and great looking machine then get a Mac. I can sit here all day and list

    100 reasons why a Mac is much better but I wont bore you with that.


    Mac are still pretty much the standard for graphics. You should have nailed your friends to

    the wall for using PCs instead.


    Im a graphic designer and when I meet another designer that works on a PC I look at them

    like they are aliens. The Workflow is much better on a Mac.

  5. Brad,


    I do have the 3170 and was scanning with the default settings but I adjusted the white

    balance in photoshop. What settings to do use?


    Peter, It definitely was cross processed and this is definitely a scan from a negative cause I

    scanned it myself.

  6. Dude I dont mean to tell you how to take care of your kid but he is ONLY 18 months. I

    mean come on, take the thing away from him and thats the end of that. If he cries then let

    him cry, he'll get over it.


    Going out and buying him a TLR just so he stops is really silly to me. I doubt they make

    any TLR toys but this shouldnt even be an issue. Its a delicate camera. Dont let the kid

    control you. Remember you are the adult. TAKE IT AWAY!

  7. Im looking to purchase a Flash meter and was wondering what where some good ones.

    Someone recommended to me the Sekonic L-358 Flash Master. Any one have any

    experience with this meter? It right in my price range and seems like it has everything I


  8. Yes the new ones still have issues with light leaks. Its a known thing in the Kiev circles.

    Some Kiev users warned me that if Im not the type that likes to mess and fix cameras then

    the Kiev is not for me.


    Also, Michael you must know what format you want. There are great cameras out there for

    different formats so thast a good way to start.


    If you want to go with 6x6 and an SLR then I HIGHLY recommend a Hassy 500CM. Dont

    count them out cause you can get a really nice one for a good price and its well worth it.

    The only problem I see with Hassy are the price of lenses but other than that its an

    amazing camera.

  9. Michael,


    I was excited just like you are about the Kiev when I found out how cheap a brand new

    system is but there is a reason why its so cheap. I did a lot of research on them and the

    biggest issues with them are the backs. They tend to have light leaks right out of the box.

    I have read of horror stories where people would send them back to get fixed and they

    would still have leaks.


    If you do decide to buy a Kiev buy it ONLY from here.




    They are the US distributor and they will repair and replace bad parts.


    You might want to get a really cheap TLR off of ebay just to start with and get familiar with

    MF. Thats what I did. I would reccomended picking up a nice Yashica Mat 124. You can get

    one for around $200.


    Good luck.

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