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Image Comments posted by markdcb


    I like this shot very much. The body stands out very well on the dark rock, very nice contrast. The pose is natural. Have you used a red filter or is there such black rock where you shoot? 6/6
  1. This photo has a lot of the model's character, unusual for a nude. Somehow she is able to pull the viewer into her own intimacy in an almost shocking way. Technically very well executed, good skin tonality and very nice light. I would not have gone for such a tight crop but this is personal preference. 7/7 Impressed by this.

    Open Wing

    This is a fantastic shot! Very nice composition, amazing light from above, superb setting, very good pose. Then we have 2 people (sorry! and post corrected, one guy and one gal) complaining that this angel-like figure, who looks like she will start to fly up, away from this abandoned building is standing on what they consider a rubbish bin! Where I live rubbish bins do not look like that, but if they did I would like the photo even better! My admiration! 7/7


    I like the diagonal line and the organic tonality of this photo. Personally I like how a nude female body looks agains rock. As colour is normally difficult to match I prefer B/W but in this case I must say that you have achieved good harmony. 6/6
  2. Another great shot with that old chrome piece of glass! I like the coming-out-of-the-dark effect with the light air through her hair. Her white fingernails are extra bonus points! Great framing, tonality and expression. To me this is has to be 7/7. This is Tri-X 400 again?


    Hello Joern, again a great photo, the model is relaxed, and we see the full negative. The DOF is stunning. I like the capture of the moment of this photo, it feels casual and natural. Are you getting this by shooting the models in their own home? 6/7
  3. Es la que menos me gusta de esta serie. Todo esta bien y en su sitio pero no me parece una pose muy natural y no es relajante. La estetica es buena y la originalidad tambien. Habria tenido mas impacto desde mas cerca, desde mas abajo y con tu zoom mas abierto. 5/5
  4. Son sorprendentemente buenos tus encuadres, hecho de menos mas tama�o. Esta es otra foto muy buena para una pared. El efecto de la pintura en la piel es muy organica. La imagen inspira tranquilidad como otras imagenes tuyas. Creo que hay una gran diferencia entre tus paisajes y tus desnudos, por un lado espacios muy grandes y abiertos y por otra encuadres muy ajustados. Una simple curiosidad 6/6


    This is a very beautiful photo. I like the tension of this pose, it is perfect. Her look and the position of the hand give this photo character. It is almost a portrait and it might be the best nude in your portfolio. Absolute 7/7


    One can't avoid having to look at your photos, they are so personal! I like your colours very much, normally I would prefer B/W for nudes but in your case this is the other way around. This particular photo draws my attention a lot because of the shadorw, which is rather small but takes the lead over the body shot. The colour red and the ring are a signature, very nice way how you keep bringing this back many times. Thank you Sabine for sharing all this!


    I like the sensuality this photo has. The background is a bit 'caged' and creates tension. I am sure that this pose would create an entire different effect if she stood in front of a simple backbround or inside a natural setting.
  5. ...from your other photos published. I was a bit impacted by this. It actually represents the greates sacrifice one can make; the burning of one's own children. Is this not a concept too radical to show in these times of fanatical religious turmoil?


    In any event your son did a good job staging this, it is an image that transmits a lot of fear and dispair :-) Otherwise it is not very easy to capture flames during daytime and here you have a lot of them! Good impact.

  6. Es una foto muy interesente en la pose, es una perspectiva distinta. En este caso no lo habria recortado tanto por la derecha, me falta mas soltura en el pelo. Tambien mas definicion en su brazo derecho. Sin embargo es una foto que me llama mucho la atencion! Espero ver mas cosas tuyas en tu carpeta pronto.




    I have been following your work for a while and this photo is a bit different, the crop is tighter. When you shoot with the Hasselblad you usually leave more space and/or show the whole negative. In any event it is very much your style, which I enjoy very much. My admiration for the serenity and peacefulnes of your nude/portraits.


    This is how B/W photography was meant to be done. Amazing quality from that chrome lens. The detail you can get in the dark range is something I would like to be able to do. What film did you use for this? Congratulations... 7/6
  7. Me encanta esta foto y ademas encontrar otro fotografo de desnudos en Madrid!


    This is a fine art photo with a very nice crop. I like how the texture is achieved through the body paint. Very sensual and perfect for a wall.

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