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bryan olesen

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Posts posted by bryan olesen

  1. Everyone, I am thinking of creating a website to try to sell some

    images. Don't want others to sell for me. I have been searching the

    net and have come across so many options that it's getting to be

    much too much. Am looking for suggestions/advice from members here

    who have had some some experience. I do have knowledge of HTML and

    would like to create my own or more likely at least start with some

    available templates. Don't have mucho funds for Dreamweaver or the

    like.<br></br>Will need basically three things: 1.) Who/where/books

    to go to get started with pages that I can modify regularly or as

    necessary and upload myself to the hosting site 2.) A trusted

    website host around/under $20 or so per month. 3.) Will need to

    incorporate ecommerce (paypal?) for clients to pay

    with.<br></br>Thanks much for any info you can provide and I welcome

    any links to your personal sites as examples. Thanks again...

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